thats a pretty good clone idea u got there Owl.. maybe someday soon... ill find a willing volunteer to recieve a clone.. depending on how much it is of course.. if its like 5 or 10 bucks i dont care... but i dont wanna spend like 20 bucks mailing a clone that might not even make it. lol.
funny i was wondering how ya were doing as well.. its good it keeps gettin pushed back.. thats always a good sign.. probably givin u time to maybe slip up. and theyll put u away.. but if u keep ur nose clean... may drop ur sentence completely.. and at least drop it down to probation.. good luck...
yeaa u take sum rgeat pics and have sum great lokin plants as well. i sent a couple in a week or so ago. they put them on the website. hopin they make it in the magazine. =)
awesome pics guys!! 450 pages of amazing bud porn!! =D heyyy Capt... did u have a few pics in Hightimes last month?? saw pics of sum BlueBerry HeadBand in there.. and the only other place ive seen that strain is here... from you. =)
yeaa the blue dream was a beast! 97 grams. =) yeaa i saw that the cali conn. is comin out with some. "Blue Dream Haze" mine finished in at about 10 weeks. not really sure where u could get a cut from tho. or any other place that has it in seed form other than cali conn. its deff a daytime...
seriously man.. ive heard of people sending clones in plugs.. and hiding them in VCR tapes.. i would think a DVD case or Nintendo DS case would work as well... or placing clones right in moist paper towels.. and over-nighting them.. would love to give ppl a cut from this blue dream.. and the...
yeaa im real happy with the PP. comin around. really excited to see it in a few more weeks. the smell is incredible!! and yeaa the Blue dream was a beast! hahaha. the clones doing great as well. cant wait to flower another. debating whether to flower the big clone or the small clone.... hmmmmm...
sounds great. 5/5 germed mann. =) w.e. ur doin is working great. great germination results on both strains (PP and B-OG) =) ill be sure to keep ya up 2 date on these as well. dropped 3 into soil 2day... and will throw the other 2 in soil in a day or 2. waiting for the tap roots to get a lil...
yeaa u really have been growin out every1 elses stuff. hahaha. took a lil break from breedin too huh? =) yeaa the GG packs a powerful punch! but isnt great in the yield dept. has a great taste as well.. and gets almost gooey frosty. lol. onbe of the frostiest.. one of those strains that has a...
lol. ewwy is another word, not allowed said in this house. lol.
yeaa i kno it doesnt take much for these fuckers to spread.. they might be crawling into my keyboard.. into my compueter.. thru my ethernet cord.. and into "the web".. better check ur...
thanks noob. yeaa im happy to test them out. so far im very happy with them. smell is GREAT!! ill be the 1st to try out sum of the Blue OGiesels as well. =)
@ HC - yeaa i think this is the same pheno.. smells like candy.. deff sweetened up alot from the begining of flowering. =) deff an...