HmmmmMmmMmmm. may have to try that myself!! lol.. headin out in a lil bit. may pretend to see a spider and shriek. lol.. let cha kno how it goes... lol
yeaa thats very strange?? no hairs? wow. but yeaa i think youll only need another week. or 2 at most. the frost is crazy tho. =)
and yeaaa ur right. i can see te frost on the veggin plant. thats always a good sign. my blueberry has a small amount of frost on it.. but not as much as that one...
wat strain is that!? looks very very frosty! looks like it will be done wayyyy before 2-3 weeks. but by all means. do w.e. u wanna do cuz w.e. ur doin is working. things are very frosty. very unique looking tho.. dont really see any hairs on it at all? just calaxes. lol. look very dense as well...
yeaa i had forgotten about a few seeds in sum paper towels for a lil over a week. and open up the bag and saw green.... lol. well more like a yellowish green... and at the other end. saw a long fuzzy/hairy lookin root. opend it up and all 3 were growing into the paper towel. lol. hopin it works...
good luck with the WW man. ive had this happen with a couple of my seeds... the roots were like 3-4 inches long and had the greet cotyls showing. i just buried them a lil bit. and they popped right up. =D
awww that sucks man. =/ yeaa the BlueBerry is a slowwwwwwwwww grower.. it was the only one out of a pack of 5 to make it tho.. soo i dont wanna give up on it ya kno? jsut alot slower than i thought.. sum of th elower leaves yellowed and died off. we shall see how it turns out. took a few pics...
very nice of the fairy ehh? =) fairies are always nice. =) my BlueBerry has been outside for a week or so now. the newest leaves on the top are coming thru Blue! =D not purple but blue.. a nice shade of baby blue. =) pretty cool looking actually. hopin its a female.. if not. ima make sum...
i was thinking the confidential cheese as well.. i like the super lemon haze.. but i feel like it would take longer to finish.. and not sure how much it would like the scrog since it will want to stretch along.. heard great things about Jilly Bean as well.
yeaa once i find sumwehre to get dry ice from. ill be trying this as well. =) ill let y akno how it goesss.
awwww really? ive always liked nirvana. always had great success with them. =) liked their bubblicious and full moon. i would have replaced the WW but i already have seeds germing. =/...
heyy. havent heard from ya in a while. hwo ya been?? harvested the purple pineapple. thought u might wanna see sum of the harvest pics. waiting for a nice cure to give it the verdict. but grew really good. frosted up really nice. yielded pretty well.. looks bomb... smells great! now just...
good luck with that mannn. im in MA.. a MMJ bill should get passed by the end of this year.. and everything should be up and running by Jan 2013 from what i hear... cant wait!! XD