And I believe that you do, at least in the voting booth. I was torn between Bernie and Johnson, but the powers that be dictate that neither is worthy of even debating on a national platform.
There must be another way that we, the common citizen, can seize control of our country's destiny. Our...
Depends on which part of the electorate you are referencing. Some will do more than others about this rigged system that we are force fed. Will you support the ones willing to fight for change?
This is less than 15 miles from me and I know several people with students attending Kingsburg HIs.The majority I have spoken to are pleased with this decision.
Too little following of the rules of debate. Name calling, red herrings, ad hom attacks, logical fallacies, etc. I used to try to stick to and enforce the rules of debate when I was a mod. Then I was told not to...
Didn't this administration fund the opposition to Qadafi in Libya? And was it not led by an ISIS jv team? This administration is not a founder of ISIS, but rather a funder of them.
Reagan and Bush did the same with Al Qaida.
War hawks be war hawks. Ozzy's War Pigs...
I happen to be sitting in Fresno at the moment. FPD has long been known as a department that tends to shoot first and ask questions later...
You should view the body cam footage that has been released. WAY overkill IMO.
Lots of ways to get banned over there. Don't even THINK about a discussion on any topic involving firearms. And you can get banned for simply being rude to the wrong person. I can't think of a single thread in our Politics forum that wouldn't be deleted over there. Of course, I haven't been...
Dry weight, 3-4 grams makes me feel like I have been dabbing hard. 6-8 makes me start seeing trails. A full half oz and I really ain't comfortable without a safety buddy to remind me why I am seeing and thinking what I am.
Fresh, wet weight gives me a different trip but I have never weighed...