I agree that the law is silly. Cali does that shot quite often. I am waiting for our required alloy ammo to be deemed illegal for the ability to defeat soft body armor. No lead because of the environment , no alloy for LEO safety, De facto ban on firearms...
However, we all know that...
Commiefornia considers it a short barreled or sawed off shotgun...
The guy ain't really Russian. Not saying his stuff ain't cool but he's from the midwest I believe. He got rolled up by the feds a year or two ago on trumped up explosives charges used in one of his videos if I remember correctly.
Yes. The pro-ban reasoning was condors and eagles were being poisoned by eating vermin killed with lead and lost game from hunters. Outdoor shooting ranges were leaching massive amounts of lead into the water table. I even read an article beseeching the release of lead dust into the atmosphere...
The ATF begged California to not enact our lead ammunition law. Their argument was that the alternative alloy ammo is capable of defeating soft body armor. California enacted it anyway.
While I don't identify with the "righties" or "lefties" , I do like knowing the facts. While I hear what you are saying about the righties from a security pov, the lefties kinda appear to have left the door open to the governments secrets over the last 8 years.
So, in summary, Clinton and Trump both had "secrets" and the Russians chose to only expose Clinton's correct? Can we get some hackers on the job that are independent and expose all the secrets?
Depends on whether the gym bag was in his possession the whole time amongst other things. Did they find packaging materials? Baggies, torn up plastic grocery bag, little containers? Where did this take place? The only defense of having a scale that I have ever heard working is from a legitimate...
I gave what I had to give. I have fed the homeless too, when I have extra to give. I don't give cash most of the time, I buy meals.
Wasn't trying to impress anyone.
Your post makes you appear very judgemental.
Last time I was in San Francisco, I threw a bindle of good weed off the balcony of the room where I was staying. Homeless dude was crashing in the alley. While toking on the balcony, I saw him smoking a bowl. I knew what i had was fire. Didn't know what he was smoking. Wrapped a nug in plastic...
I am not an advocate of universal health care. First, I pay for my own insurance, co-pays, etc. When I wasn't working, I utilized my wife's. Before I had insurance, I often avoided seeing a doctor except when absolutely necessary and paid my bills with meager but acceptable payments when...