thanks i have read up on the different highs regarding the color of the trichromes (upbeat high i dont mind lol), but what i was trying to say is wether the yeild will be impacted if i harvest now or later?
thank you, from what i have said do you think the buds would be greatly different if i was to harvest now, of would those factors still depend on the way in which i dry and cure the buds?
a lot of my trichomes are cloudy on my amnesia lemon and sharksbreath, but slighty darker on my purple haze, i just purchased a 60x mini microscope and looked at them through there, reckon i can harvest? they have already been flushed for 2weeks +?
(also a lot of the buds are weighing the...
hey ur buds been looking great!!! i'm also on my 1st grow and it looks as though you have good experience due to the harvests i have been seeing! here are sum pics of my buds they are 9weeks into flowering any advice on my harvest?
hey people ive currently got a grow going on and need some help, if you dont mind could you visit my thread and leave some tips plz
hey people ive currently got a grow going on and need some help, if you dont mind could you visit my thread and leave some tips plz
ive been flushing for nearly 2 weeks, so would you say to check them again around the 21st and if the trichromes have gotten darker then start flushing? thanks 4 the help!
hey people ive currently got a grow going on and need some help, if you dont mind could you visit my thread and leave some tips plz
thanks 4 the help, i have already started flushing as i thought harvest would be soon, do you think it will be alright to start using flowering food again?
Hey people, this is my 1st grow so i have made a few mistakes which i will explain, firstly i am growing amnesia lemon, purple haze and sharksbreath, i vegged my plants for too long so i had 2 adjust my tent and increase the size, the amnesia lemon got extremely tall and is now bent over (not...
here are some close up pics of my buds, would appreciate any advice regarding harvest or tips in general as to when you think they will be ready, the plants are currently 8 and half weeks into flowering
Purple Haze:
thanks ppl! here are some close up pics of my buds, would appreciate any advice regarding harvest or tips in general as to when you think they will be ready, the plants are currently 8 and half weeks into flowering
Purple Haze:
plants r looking real nice and frosty! its my 1st grow but i am currently growing sharksbreath along with amnesia lemon and purple haze, had a few problems with the amnesia lemon and the others due to vegging for 2 long, but the sharksbreath is growing great!! i planted it in a 2.2litre pot...
hey its my 1st grow but i am currently growing sharksbreath along with amnesia lemon and purple haze, had a few problems with the amnesia lemon but the sharksbreath is growing great!! i planted it in a 2.2litre pot and its over 5ft!! ill upload some pictures of my current grow, the sharksbreath...