Not having much luck this grow the other week it was the light and now i must have knocked the on/off switch on heater. Just checked on them and the thermo read 51 degrees min.
I always keep it to a min of 65. have i done too much harm?
Hey TRIGGA......
Vitalink is as good as any other.
24 inches is fine.
Thats a dripper system not a flood and drain. WILMA good little simple system.
Dont let your temperature get to 35 though that is way to hot try keep it below 30. 28 would be better maximum.
You wont need to lieave...
Ive done a 'proper' wash not some bicarb crack cook up and got 2g out of 5. that was a few years ago and that was suppose to be 'good shit'. Although now you here of stuff less than 10% i suppose relatively it was.
DG&T you get 3oz/4oz of each plant? 9x3=27oz off a 600w? Wow, thats a good yeild im growing in a 8x4ft room with 2x600w and id be happy to pull that weight in total.
lol, youd only get 90% pure in if you lived in Bogota.
I love the way dealers will tell you its 90% pure then you see them sniff up a huge line. Which if it was 90% would almost certainly cause a mild stroke or cardiac arrest!
8th should last 48 hours non stop not one evening.
Ive used this
Absolutely soaked the plants covered up the soil with paper plates and then gave another soaking two days later. That was about a week ago and fingers crossed havent seen any return yet.
So thumbs up to 'pest off' and its...
"White powder" that must be that shit they call coke these days. 10% cocaine 90% lidocaine/bezocaine/washing up powder or any other white powder.
Ill bet any off the coke you buy on the street in the uk is less than 20% pure.
dont think we have that stuff over here. this is where i buy my hydro equipment from but nothing here says any good for killing thrips.
Thanks im in the uk so ill have a look around for some over here, i cancelled that order off ebay dont like the thought of putting stuff on my plants that can cause nerve damage etc. thanks for your help
I got some macro pictures of the little fuckers. have a look are they thrips or somthing else. they seem to move similar to the way a maggot would.
Notice the black dots on second picture.
I have some plants in soil and some in hydro would they be in the pebbles in the hydro pots too? also do i need to spray all the walls and tables etc as well or just the plants and soil?
Just ordered some of this. looks like the right stuff.
So how am i getting these little bastards inmy...
Im in the uk i found this but it says its for use on cattle wtf!! is it safe to smoke your buds after a dose of this stuff
Ive just come to that conclusion after searching they sound hard to get rid of.
The leaf damage would definety suggest that, looking at pictures.
Where would these things come from i had them before.
Ive noticed some small areas of leaf damage and found these tiny tiny white bugs about 1mm or less long and thin they jump too.
Whhat are these things and where do they come from? I think it may be coming from me dog to my clothes then to the plants.
Ive sprayed the whole crop with ppest off...
just got some ph 7.0 solution and my pen was out. reading 6.6
so that would have made my solution higher than 5.3 so any other reasons for the yellowing.
i have mixed more water now and am getting a true reading of 6.0 to be on the safe side.