Also forgot to mention some of my babies have a purple stem was reading an article that it can be Mg deficiency Heat or to cold. transplant or even light burn.
Well not going to lie the soil does dries up like in a day also I’m not watering all soil just the middle . So no mist? Since Everyday the soil dries up. Weak light how would you recommend? Can I leave like 3 315 lights on or is it still too strong . I have 54 plants in 3 gallons pots in a 12...
To be honest some clones were well rooted while others were barely showing couple roots . I know that’s a mistake . Btw its my first time indoors . Every new grow I will learn something new . Learn from my mistakes . So please cus me out what should I do next time . When I transplanted I...
Hello Guys I just grabbed clones from purple city Genectics . I transplanted them in 3 gallon pots I’m currently using roots organics original.
I have 54 cookie plants
We are using 12 315 watt sun system lights
I used Mykos when transplanted to avoid from getting shocked.
I noticed...
Can guys can you guys give any ideas on what this could be ??
I haven’t used any nutrients on them only cal mag which was two weeks ago.
Only the top new growth is showing this signs a little in the middle but not much . Not all leaves have it .
Guy at hydro stoee said it’s hungry or it’s...
so this plant has been growing super good but I today noticed yellow edges on some leaves including the new leaves . I used cal mag about 2 weeks ago . First I want to make sure if it’s a nutrient lockout or a deficiency. The PH is at 6.9 which i know is good .
Well I used cal mag like 4 days ago they look much better now . Just showed some pics to my local hydro/store guy and told me that it looked like a cal mag def .
How about mine you think it’s a cal mag or rust ??
Guy at hydro store told me cal mag . Because since the time I transplanted them in the ground I haven’t used any nutrients. Ph is 7
Please help. Is this a nutrient deficiency?? Under water or overwater ?? No I haven’t used any kind of nutes. Just transplanted them like a week ago . When they were in gallons I used cal mag they were looking great !! But now that I transplanted I got this problem .
Why are some fan leaves drooping & folded like taco shells? Plant is really huge about 10 feet (Blue Dream) I added water on Yesterday some did improve but some are still the same . I’m currently using roots organic soil. Temperatures out here are 65-75s sometimes 80s . No yellowing not of that .