Thats a sweet set-up man! Im a poor student haha wish I could afford a set-up like that, I still prefer outdoor smoke though. I'm also keen to give scrog a go in the coming months when I get my set-up rolling. Yeah man you won't be disappointed and because you are a member on here we get a 10%...
Oh mean how many do you have outside bro and what kind of indoor set up have you got?? Im starting an indoor grow in the next month or two when I move out, already got two church clones and 3 NL clones under cfls getting ready to become mother plants.. Were giving one NL to my mates brother who...
Your guerilla spot looks nice, its too bad you got such a late start.. But atleast youll have some buds too harvest. How do you keep the pests out of there? The ones youre keeping at home look sweet aswell!
Yeah bro in the mighty waikato haha!! I got all my strains from attitude (except for the Daymare & Hairybushman, gifts from my grow buddy's dad) I made 2 separate orders this season. I ordered them from attitude and both times they came within 7 days of payment.. I payed an extra 5 bucks for...
I'm stoked with the progress... just wish those NL had been autos so that we could have a bit of a bigger early harvest, as we will be lucky to get any more than half an o off the Fastbud. Hopefully though within the next few weeks the bigger plants like the CHURCH will go into flower! :weed:
If you can tie it down without bending it too much that would be the easiest way, but the top will still try to grow upwards no matter how much you bend it. If you are going to tie it make sure to use a soft rope around the stem as string can cut in and damage it.
Have a look at the pics of my...
You need to start tying that down big time bro, it is only going to get taller during flowering.. Or you could clone the top of ur plant, I just had to do that to 3 of my NL as they were getting too tall and it worked great. Where abouts are you man?
Hey guys just got a quick update.. Sorry still no guerrilla pics but they are coming next w.e. It is just such a mish getting out there because my grow buddy works all week and now my other mate is back down south for uni. Its really annoying but we have agreed to go this friday no matter what...
So far only the CHURCH and the Northern Lights have showed their pre-flowers, The others at plot one won't be far behind either I wouldn't think. Good shit dadadda that plant is looking sweet
Yeah this is a good 1hr 20min drive from where I live, and then like a 30min walk.. So worth it though, can't wait for next spring!! (and harvest haha)