Here are some of the problems I've been having in the garden.
With the northern lights autos I had problems with spider mites to begin with which were easy to get rid of but since I got rid of the spider mites I've been fighting other bugs on a daily basis spiders building a nest underneath the...
Transplanted the nirvana Mistry seeds last night from the 1 gallon pots to the 5 gallon pots.
I've never gotten any Mistry seeds that turned out this good
Under trimming. i'm also putting on the first inner cages and bending all the limbs down today.
It's 80 freaking degrees out right now and I am just not used to this kind of hot weather but the plants are loving it I'm literally watching them grow. I did a top dressing yesterday with worm Poo...
On a better note the master Kush are proving to be a fantastic cold-weather strain. They have been growing in a temperature range between 40°F and 60°F and this is what they are looking like.
Hello y'all.
well I just got home from being at work for three weeks and my northern lights autos had spider mites real bad. The person taking care of them did not notice. I think one of them is completely stunted because of it. The other ones I think Will be okay though. I gave them a complete...
I think I will give it a shot I have done it with photo. Plants before but I've never tried it with an auto.
I've read a lot of controversial stuff on this topic. I've heard a lot of people of tried and failed.
I watched the full two and half hours part 1,2 and 3. That was an awesome video of the full grow from beginning to end. And I definitely learned a thing or two watching it.
Makes me wish I lived in California.
Sorry to hear the bad news that is terrible, if every last leaf is gone it's unlikely that it will survive but if there is A few left it could pop back.
You'll just have to wait and see. I recommend with the surviving plants that you have to put a chicken wire cage around them and put the wire...
Those look fantastic EsC. It's been nine days now right? they should be popish some roots here pretty soon. What is your plan for them are they going to the garden.
I think that your training method is going to work very well for you, I don't know how big that plant will be but if it gets real large just make sure you support those limbs so that they do not break away from the main stem.
Hello again AK
From what I understand it is very difficult to morph. auto flower plants successfully, so do you have any special tricks of the trade that keeps you consistent and making seeds with your auto flowers.
Where I'm growing now I have no choice but to finish under a green house because of our light cycles.
I could cover to block the light starting the third week of August to begin an early flowering but I have to do that for an entire four weeks in order for it to work out and sometimes I'm not...