i have never started a thread and the community bashed me? but the last few days 2 people have had it happen to them . maybe it was some thing you did.
my only way to get another clone is too grow fs.. which im working on starting a 12/12 fs grow. but thatll be another thread (:
so should i jst see what happens ir is she out for the ten count?
so the stupid droopy look is normal? some what at least? it look so sad! lmao should i just waitit out/ is there a chance? ill never flower her inside shes going to be turned into multiple clones if she survives
alright!! so i have mg all purpose plant food i use for veg. should i not use because my soil is "hot" . i shal invest in ff soon but have to order so im hesitant.. the plant looked way bette a week ago. is it stressed because its jus now actually reveging? why is it droopy / curling/ grosss lookin
close.. took 13 days. it was roooted and been revegging in same soil. so its good it just givin me shit? or did i mis your point? i want to take multiple clones off her then flower them and most likely ditch her in the woods.