Why not just get it from serious?
Btw serious didnt create bubblegum its an american midwest strain serious does have the best parental plants for the strain.
Im my areas its not pits people fear its the american akitas. I had one before a had to move north six months old he would jump off the second story belcony to the ground when i walked into the gate to greet me, never was agressive even around my fathers girlfriends cocky ass chihuahua. He was...
Choppitty chop homies i think this is med-man silver surfer but might be west coast sour d whatever it is she looks to be a keeper, no fluff just nice nugs top too bottom.
Rockymtnman has, i like alphakronik as long as its not the bubba crosses. The breeder is a decent guy in my books too.
If your asking about the bubba crosses and why i dont like them is 90%of them dont germinate, racerboy has also had the same issue(both were bubba love)
Just a warning to put out there, so far ive had two intersex plants from two different lines from hazeman In the same rooms as allot of other healthy plants. His '88 g13/hashplant looks just like ndnguys up until three weeks of flower when it will throw the random banana at the very top of the...
I thought hendos now weak chin would let him down and it almost did, he may not take a punch like before but that right hand is still the fuckin h-bomb.
What im prepping:
Ggg mindscape(one plant-female)
Ggg lemon puff(5 seedling)
Alphakronik snowdawg2(4seedling)
Hazeman black russian(4 seedlings)
What im finishing:
3 ndnguy pre 88 g13/hashplant trees
1 3 foot wide serious/magus double dutch bush
1 medman silver surfer tree
2 medman wcsd trees...
Gens pics on gage range from pink, dark red and even some purples on the caylxs. Btw its his pic that gage uses on both the adds and on the cardboard that comes with the packs.
Well ill have a picture update tomorrow im a little over 6 weeks into 12/12 and im starting to see the first odd orage hair in the buds.
Ended up killing a few plants and being lazy as shit with the vert plants due to running out of space buts whats left seems to be rocking.
Double dutch is...
What do you guys think, lawler or hendricks?
Im taking the underdog and going with ruthless robbie lawler, the dude is a bad mother fucker. But i can see hendricks trying to throw the left bomb and failing and pulling a lay and pray for the next four rounds.
Watch out for the legendary canadian small town supercop Sunni, or does the opp not roll like the dudley dorights.
If i were making $1400 bean orders into a country in wich its illegal, i would think about finding a trustworthy friend/family to the north To do a safe drop and then ship to me.