Yeah I am about 90% positive about final location but it's going to be a hairy ride getting it there. Lol. That's really the only issue. That and keeping smell down while I trim. After that it's in the drying locker I'm building with an inline and scrubber. I didn't want to take the chance of...
That's the best part!! I'm going to get SUUUUPER baked and just listen to some of my favorite tunes, maybe watch some grow streams on YouTube and just rejoice in the fact that I don't have to hike back out to that God forsaken, biting fly infested patch.:hump:
Ehhh...I'm going to kindly not answer that question.:bigjoint:
No worries Larry. Thanks for taking time to swing by. I appreciate it.
Oh man. Most of em are getting nibbled somewhere. Not much I can about it though. But thanks! I'm hoping they hang in there so I can get some decent smoke. I...
Sucks when that happens. That's alright man. I know a guy that used to dry his stuff in a cardboard box suspended above his wood stove. Can't have been worse than that. Lol
Oh nice! I hope they finish up for you before it gets too cold. ;)
Have a look man. I'll have an update soon I hope. Feel free to follow along.:bigjoint:
I'm in the process of building one myself but I'll be running a carbon filter and inline fan, exhausting the scrubbed air out of the box and passively drawing in air through a HEPA filter.
If you are using PC fans to exhaust, I'm assuming you will not be scrubbing the air first but the overall...
Oh love that. I have a few out and they smell all kinds of good. Berry, Mango...Skunk.:lol: should only have a few weeks left on mine. When did you start your seeds?
By the way. I know you've been in the outdoor game for a while. Feel free to take a gander. Should be updating in the next few days.
What's your soil mix like? What are your plans for feeding? Autos don't need much. Some relatively fast autos can get through to finish with a good soil in a 3-5 gal container.
Dude, I transplanted mine twice. Once from rootriots to their 1L paper starters, then from those to the outdoor. Root ball practically fell apart when I put them outside. 2 out of 12 stunted bad. The others are about 60cm-1 meter tall. They could have been bigger but auto genetics have come so...
Yo. That's a lot of head. Lol
She's filling up that space real nice man. Good call on the defoliating by the way. Honestly with that thick of a canopy, you could get away with doing it again around week 4 I would think.