These have been going for almost 6 months now just wondering maybe if the trichombs don't allways change colors these are still clear barely any cloudyness and no Amber what is going on?? Help
Ok guys I made a mistake lol saw some mite damage beginning so I sprayed with neem oil came back 20 mins later one of my branches got to heavy from the spray and broke should I try to fix the branch or cut my losses? I think Im 6-8 weeks away from harvest is it gonna take to much energy away...
Think I have about 6 weeks of flower left and I think Im seeing the begin in signs of mites. Little spots on some leaves no webs or anything .....yet I have neem oil but is it to late to use that if they are allready eating??? My babies!!!!
Yep I like super cropping but I don't think I'll revert back from flower again that took way to damn long lol still only waist high hahaha but thank u all for all of the advise