So, I went out last night around 7pm to check on the ladies and found the power was out. Looks like they lost power at 8am when the lights came on (damn gfi sockets).
Popped two Sweet Tooth beans on Friday. Soaked in a shot glass for 48hrs and then to a wet paper towel and success with both. I moved them into ph adjusted rockwool cubes this morning.
Well, checked the girls tonight. The White Widow seems to be ok, checked the roots and seemed to be doing ok. Root mass is smaller than on theNightmare OG.
Okso I have run into an issue with some aphids. Found larvea on the top portion of the roots above the water line. Did a little internet research and I had none ofthe products recommended so I did an experiment of my own. First I sprayed the little bastards with neem oil and let that sit for 1...
Im in flower now. Switched over Friday night. I like a PH fluctuation. That allows me to get the best nutrient uptake in all ranges. Get a PH tester and ppm meter. They will make a difference for you. Some bud from my last grow, which was really my first real attempt.
Well with 3 gal of water that starts at PH of 7 and using 1/4 strength grow a&b and 1/4 strength of bud candy, voodoo, and piranha, my ph is at I have to adjust down to 5.6 and for the first 1-3 days it will climb up to 6.2 or so. Once I get it up to 1/2 strength, and I adjust down...