Also saying that he gonna take the fema people out and that it wasn't a dissaster because only 16 people die ., Motherfucker its more than 300 people dead already and counting. Why is this selective help and priority? We are a United States territory and fellow American citizen!!! He needs...
Then motherfucking reimburse the 300 millions and we will find a better company. They don't give a fuck about the people it's about the fucking money. He doesn't give a fuck if it takes 1 year to get the power in the whole island., He doesn't fucking live there!!!
And play with it its all strain dependant., Some are high feeders some low u have to find the sweet spot but definitely u keep the grow nutes through flower just at the minimum possible without getting early yellowing.
Yeah i was about to say that but since they look good i didn't. But if u cut the nitrogen NOT COMPLETELY u would it get better yield., Nitrogen inhibit flower development
Not at all cfls don't put out that much heat at all u even can have them 1 inch from the top of the plant. But to be in the safe side because they grow fast in this stage and can get light burn keep them 2 inches away. Unless you checking them a lot u can have them like an inch an a half.
Also about the watering issue wait until the pot dry preaty good before watering again what that does is that the plant in search for water streach and grow bigger roots in search for water and that is what makes the plant grow and foliage grow. U want to create a strong root system. GL bruh