Eeeeh. If you are aircooling the lights then yes. If you are not.. It might but then with dehus and potentially a burner I wouldn't do it. I would get two 2 tons. I am doing 9 lights non air cooled with 4 dehus .. I'm using two 2 tons and i can drop the room to 70f
Take standing Ac out of big room and put in small room. Or just exhaust the air into the hallway . I run 1800 watts for veg in a tent with no Ac.. I just suck the air out with a 6 inch inline and spit it into the hallway .
As far as the big room goes.. From what I hear you can buy the pump and...
If you seal up and use co2 the mini split will pay for itself in 1 round with the yield increase . And if you ever quit. They hold a decent value.. I used a 2 ton for 3 years then ebayed it for 800 lol
IAre you saying that I am doing something wrong? If you have been growing in 70-80% humidity without pm or budrot .. It has nothing to do with skills. I would be having a panic attack and wouldn't be able to sleep if my room had to put up with such dogshit conditions . I imagine your room and...
Yes sir. I am not the best grower so the only way for me to hit the home run numbers is to pack wall to wall. Fill my walk ways with plants and crawl around like a yoga instructor. Eventually I would like to do trays and walk ways . My newest room has trays but I will probably end up filling...
You hit that on the money with the rot. My biggest issues in growing are humidity during lights off and budrot. I have like 17 fans in there and the humidity just starts to creep into the mid 50s during lights off. I get bud rot almost every run. Not to where I am throwing tons of shit away...
It takes me 45 mins longer to water this round then the last ... Because it is so much hell crawling between plants and tomato cages underneath the canopy. If your run is so full that you consider throwing plants away and can't see through the canopy jn any spot... You will know your going to...
6 raptors 1 adjusta wing 1 gavita and 1 nanolux DE . You can have all the trouble you want believing it. A third of the room is OG too. So it would be a better pull if I wasn't growing them. I am still behind the game . I didn't believe it til I saw with my own eyes.. But I saw an 80 pound pull...
If I ran 65-80 rh in my room I would end up with about 25 pounds of budrot come harvest time. Maybe you like high temps because of the cdm..I'm not as interested in per plant yield as I am per lamp or per watt yield . Can you share that as well?