The number following the PEG has to do with the molecular weight. The 200, 300 and 400 are all light weight PEG molecules in comparison to the heavier PEG grades like PEG 10000
Ok, so this article bashes vaping. Opinions?
I agree vaping twig is pretty much pointless, but vaping concentrates has it's place in my opinion.
Yes. portable vapes for nug are pointless.
Something like a volcano at home would be ok because it has more powerful heatig element and a much larger chamber that will need refilling often. You'd be surprised how much weed is required to vape a buzz. Those little pens are a joke. Each load...
Good luck. Vapes for flower tend to be weak sauce and you spend more time emptying and reloading. They also tend to burn the material a little.
Now for concentrates or ejuice the good vape pens rock. I'm an iTaste 134 user. Tanks for ejiuce and globe nail for straight wax or shatter.