He already gave me this info. All he has enough for is the light, containers, soil and ferts. He can't afford a tent.
If it is a medical grow he doesn't have to worry about security. Well accept from thieves anyways. I suggested this
As far as I'm concerned I'm the only one doing it right. I'm not just making some obscure picture of my drawing for people to try and figure it out. I model real world products and provide hyperlinks to all the objects. And base it off of your budget. And I give 'em the info they need to do it...
My Browser keeps telling me that some malware is on here and that it will infect your computer. Is anyone else seeing this?
Is it something I need to worry about?
What is the current listing status for rollitup.org?Site is listed as suspicious - visiting this web site may harm your computer...
I was watching Weed Wars on DSC. It was based in california at the Harborside Health Center and they had a tincture that was CBD.
It isn't all CBD though
Yeah I think it was because I didn't have the doctor on my side. But he never really talked to me or asked me questions. So how would he no what my issues where.
He just set there with this stupid false sympathetic look on his face. Convinced that I was a meth addict with no proof. Doctors here...
Yeah. I did the same thing in 2008. The mental health system here sucks though. check out the review I found on my doctors office.
so far ive been to three appointments and received the treatment i expect from a goverment employee. so far she has not read my family medical history. i have...
Yeah. I actually have Bipolar Disorder Type 2 and social anxiety. They put me on Seroquel and now I can't stop taking it without having trouble sleeping and possibly ending up in the hospital again. It also gives me high cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar. I'm trying to get on disability...
Hey! watsup man? This is my post. I can help you design your room!
I dont' know about that. They grow Hemp in other countries and they still have all of that stuff. And there's other crops that produce oil. And how does hemp replace steel? And people aren't going to stop eating meat just because hemp seeds are more available. And there is a lot of medicines...