I’m sorry you have to go through migraines and headaches. I know people that go through headaches like every single day and it’s not fun. Actual my partner had went to the hospital for headaches that they’ve had for years, they gave them an MRI scan, but didn’t detect anything..crazy :cry:
I was telling some people that even though Jb has stated in his campange that he believes it’s time for illinois to legalize cannabis. I believe it still would be like over a year before it’s actually implemented because he has to (correct me if i’m wrong) go through other individuals there to...
Oh my god, I feel so bad. It truly does suck. I was first told the wait was 30-60 days. Now all of a sudden it’s like 90+ days. What kind of bull crap is that ?
I feel like the medical cannibis department should have been hired more employees to check applications. Especially since the number of applications keeps growing. It’s not fair that people have to wait a long time. :cry:
I got through their line today, the representative still said they did not get to my application yet. I mailed mine. They received it November 19th. I made sure everything was included in it.
Believe it or not a man employee told me they were printed in California. Now I know something’s fishy with this customer service.
Granted there are a lot of people trying to get their medical cannabis cards, but I don’t think that should be an excuse for people to have to wait almost 4 months...
My experience is.
They received my application November 19th
The last time I actually was able to speck to a representative. The lady had told me they still didn’t get to my application. I asked her so about how many people are ahead of me ? She said about several hundred. Lol I was like. Woah...
I love this website, when I would constantly google “how long will it take for me to get my medical cannabis card in Illinois” I should have been looking for other people experiences because that’s honestly the best way to figure out . Well to me at least. :hump::hump::hump: