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  1. cozz

    emergency flushing, soil ph issue

    i apreciate the shout, but i normally let the "soil shrink" from the edges and only water say 2 times a week on average, i look for the leaves to go from the praying type of position to a slight wilt, obviously it changes as needed but have done it that way for a while with no real problems, but...
  2. cozz

    emergency flushing, soil ph issue

    hi, posted last week with some pics, put one up with this post, was sure its calcium def/lock out, outline is ive 10 plants in 15 litre pots in plant magic soil supreme, using oldtimers bloom, all going ok then noticed rust etc on a few leaves older fans etc, started to get worse now pretty much...
  3. cozz

    i think i f"d up!!

    hi hope someone can take me to school on this, the plants are incredible bulk, run them a few times with fair results, soil is plant magic supreme, in flower, 5 week ish, using old timers bloom, 4ml per litre ph temps etc all good, feeding every 3 days or so as needed, now this is the part i...
  4. cozz

    damage to the top leaves????

    thanks every one, its mad as I look and think moth or something that likes tops of plants but defo cant see one, tried teasing it out with bright light etc, but nothing!! spose ill just be waiting it out and wait for any progression, ill wait till week end before I flip and see
  5. cozz

    damage to the top leaves????

    any one got any thoughts, in soil, plant magic feeds (only had 2 feeds so far) 25-30 inch tall, temps 26 on 19-20 off, humidity in 70s, theres 19 in veg just going to switch them but found this tonight, have looked all over theese 2 plants but cant find any other evidence of critters!!! on a...
  6. cozz

    small leaves curling in

    Also along with the n I think I can see some overwatering, in the 1st picture there's some wrinkled leaves bottom left plus others,
  7. cozz

    P or K deficiency? lock out? whats going on here

    agree with az2000, balance is key, not rally a fan of flushing id be tempted to do another repot and let it settle, (though you don't say what soil your in) id not use anything to hot, and look at minimal feeds, until your clear,
  8. cozz

    Weird spots on the leaves, yellowish new growth and yellow bottom leaves

    if your on about the yellowy/lime green colour of the new growth then dont panic, ive 20 in my tent now that are doing it, and most do especialy as they get nearer flowering, and defo once lights have switched, as for the lower leaf if its only an odd one or two id say no problem, i start them...
  9. cozz

    Under canopy dying off - help?

    Yes you can just keep an eye on them,
  10. cozz

    Should I remove these lower buds...

    id not bother removing anything now, i normally dont with mine anyway, but im sure ive read that if you do its better to do it in the first few weeks of flower, id imagine that its to save stressing in mid flower or something, and adding time
  11. cozz

    Lighting requirements for vegging...

    its a toughy as both sides of the argument are right, yes that light will improve it, as much as a 400? no way, but id personally go ahead with your plans and see for yourself, its not like they will die or anything, at least youll get a benchmark for further runs and they will flourish when...
  12. cozz

    Lighting requirements for vegging...

    Hi, what I've found in the past is that after a few weeks they will sort of stall, that's when I step up the power, and also if they grow too tall some of the inner branches will go straight up looking for light, ending up with telegraph pole plants, I'm sure if he was too train them with some...
  13. cozz

    Where do roots grow in the pot?

    hi in my opinion it depends on age, last repot etc etc, but from what ive found as long as the roots are "heading out" then alls good, some plants can grow tall with out much root mass, some with loads of mass and short, its the thing like some shoot up then fill out, as long as the roots look...
  14. cozz

    Is this mould?

    same view as mainliner, out of interest what have your temps been? both on and off
  15. cozz

    potting up ?

    i go from solo cup size pots to 5litre to 20 litres, i also use plant magic granuals and have no problems with them settling in to the lager pots, within a week theres roots at the bottom, i agree about carefull watering if going up to large pots early, the way i do it suits me as the way i...
  16. cozz

    Indica Structure with Sativa Effects?

    hi never really thought of it before but you have options with growing style small scrog etc and from what ive read before c99 is a fast finishing sativa dom strain that can be controlled,
  17. cozz

    Sativa and Indica from same mothers seed?

    Not 100per cent sure but if the original weed was a mix,(let's face it most are!) then it would make sense, as it carries both genetics,
  18. cozz

    What deficiency?

    Glad you feel happier now, best with light leaks to be totally pro active, in fact the less stress you give including over/underwatering the better, like the attitude of gonna see it through, up to you with the ph but unless your using dodgy water then you'll be ok, do have a look at oldtimers...
  19. cozz

    What deficiency?

    That's food for thought. though I like to be below 50 per cent with good air flow in flower, normally as I verge on overcrowding lol, and touch wood never had mold etc, never knew about the last two weeks so thanks for that, I was thinking the same thing about distance of light as I asked the...
  20. cozz

    What deficiency?

    He knows his soils ph, it's on the side of his bag lol, as he's been using bio biz nutes that would not really of changed unless he's using shit water, hence I asked what water he's using, he's not said he's used anything chemical to alter that, that's what I've found after using bio biz myself...