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  1. odam2k

    More Proof of a corrupt Failed system

    So he's out busting other dispensaries, meanwhile buying fancy cars with all the "good investments and smart business decisions" (he's a dope dealer!) Ah, my hometown...
  2. odam2k

    Clone swap?

    Absolutely! If you are within driving distance I'll even come pick it up, meet you somewhere local to you... I'm just a bit east of Toronto...
  3. odam2k

    Clone swap?

    I guess the ones who are gonna grow are growing anyway, and they probably aren't gonna come forward voluntarily... I imagine the challenge won't come until someone with the money to fight it gets busted.
  4. odam2k

    Clone swap?

    I'll give it a go, the worst that can happen is they die on route... I can't do anything till the end of the month, but that'll give me time to figure out a good way to pack it. Then send it overnight I guess is safest. It should almost survive anything as long as it's protected from breaking...
  5. odam2k

    Clone swap?

    Yeah, for me it would be worth it to build a small cabinet to quarantine a couple clones. Ok, should we create separate threads for each area? or post here? So who's up for a swap meet in the GTA east area? or even just the GTA...
  6. odam2k

    Clone swap?

    I suppose we could trade by mail, figure out a good diy shipping container type thing... If the LP's can ship clones, why not us? @Skoal I'd love some of that for the wife. I have Crop King C.B. Dream and Native Seed Co. Green Crack.
  7. odam2k

    Outdoor weed and motion lights

    They aren't gonna like the lights... I mean the plants, but probably not the kids either...
  8. odam2k

    Clone swap?

    I would probably try to keep any discussions of the location and time somewhat private, since you don't want angry bikers with guns showing up... :)
  9. odam2k

    Clone swap?

    So you arrange for 5 people to meet somewhere, each brings 4 clones of the same strain, but different than the other 4 people bring. Give one clone to each of the other 4 people, they each give you a clone. Each goes home with 4 new strains... Would have to arrange in advance to make sure...
  10. odam2k

    Fuk Vancouver's Park Board - GO 420 Vancouver !!!! Who goes to the hospital for being too high? Sheesh, must be all the newbies? That's like going to the hospital because you're really drunk, isn't it? Nothing they can do, go lie down, and get over it...
  11. odam2k

    Clone swap?

    East of GTA, Durham Region...
  12. odam2k

    Clone swap?

    Can we even talk about it here? Like other swap meets, why not a clone swap meet? I guess it would have to be medical growers to be legal, or can recreational users share "legal" clones? There must be groups of us that could get together in a parking lot somewhere on a saturday morning or...
  13. odam2k

    Fuk Vancouver's Park Board - GO 420 Vancouver !!!!

    From reading some of your other posts, a cop with a badge and a gun won't make you behave, but a gang of bikers with guns will :) There's a pretty fine line in there somewhere, lol!
  14. odam2k

    Happy 4/20 Y'all!!

    Woohoo! Let the celebrations begin!
  15. odam2k

    Happy Valley-Goose Bay RCMP charges woman under Cannabis Control Act

    Yeah, 150g isn't gonna fit in my pocket, obviously... I don't drive any more. I stopped driving when I was taking a lot of prescribed meds, and since switching to medical pot instead, it's just not worth the risk, I don't want to be the one to test the new laws... If I thought I needed to...
  16. odam2k

    New cannabis-oil technology promises faster onset ...maybe on shelves in a few months

    So you get a small dab of rosin, dissolve it in this, and then put it on your skin? On your tongue? and get a rush like you injected it?
  17. odam2k

    Fuk Vancouver's Park Board - GO 420 Vancouver !!!!

    I suspect you are right, although with the way legalization was implemented, there is lots left to protest... funny they didn't mention any of those points.
  18. odam2k

    ACMPR no storage limits?

    Well, since I never had excess crops last year, I barely had ANY in storage :( So really, it doesn't make any difference... lol... I did think it was strange that recreational users had no limit, but medical did...
  19. odam2k

    New cannabis-oil technology promises faster onset ...maybe on shelves in a few months

    How is it used, I assume somehow you are getting thc into your system with it?
  20. odam2k

    ACMPR no storage limits?

    You're right, I just checked. The sections for Maximum Storage Limit, and even Storage Address are not on this years registration (Just got my renewal a couple weeks ago) I didn't even notice that....