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  1. T

    Anyone done this?

    you`d probably do better with a hempy or dwc instead that air moving that perlite around could cause some rootzone damage and you`ll be cleaning the perlite or changing it every res change, may as well go coco if your going to deal with substrain best thing about hydro set ups is no old coco...
  2. T

    8X8X8 Tent 3 month time frame 5lbs

    as many clones as you can make then seen as your going with a short veg I would set up for the area to be covered with loads of shorter plants aim for just quality top buds, better to get 4lbs of top buds and no pop corn then 5lbs with 1lb of that being popcorn and .5 to 1lb being mid size...
  3. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeah that an a huge bag of mixed seeds I`d lace that forrest with regs and autos and maybe a pack of fem`d seeds too next time you go there you can go bud hunting, lol
  4. T

    Anyone done this?

    perlite normally you get issues with light and algae no light can get to the wet perlite rite ? I`d just treat it like a dwc I used to run 2 storage tubs filled with clay pebbles with 2 x 15L pots inside them with airstones in them the plants would go into that bit that had no clay pebbles...
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    Possible Heat/Light Stress

    don`t know enough about what your feeding and the type of soil your using If it is a deff I`d guess phosphorus or zinc from the leaves maybe both Might be some kinda lock out but it could still be enviromental hard to tell have you got more pictures of the entire grow area ? just so we...
  6. T

    not a plant issue 100 % healthy .

    sounds like your getting a lot of side lighting into them buds yeah maybe pin point a few lamps on the top of your buds to ripen the tops faster you could try feeding a bit more K or some triacontanol may speed up the top growth
  7. T

    Whats YOUR light schedule during flower?

    Building outside veg right in the back, then flowering tent then our water/working area lots and lots of bugs they`d go towards any light leaks any in-vents and such, plus I used to use cool tubes just don`t want people seeing the lights and yeah if you go in there at night or filling up...
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    Flushing! grow pics

    I flush with sugar water the plants like it the bugs stay away from the plants and if your re-using your soil its prime set up for breeding bennies
  9. T

    Sealed room with gavitas has leafs slightly cupin.

    Maybe its a calcium phosphate build up ?
  10. T

    Yield from COB's

    so do 5000k cobs kill more mold than 3000k`s ? Just put together a 3 cob unit, 2 x 3000k and 1 x 5000k cobs I got from Canada about a year ago wired them up to 2 x 360w drivers Looks pretty bright stayed pretty cool gotta give it a 10 hour test run with the fans on and see if it melts or...
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    Possible Heat/Light Stress

    looks more like a minor deficiency to me heat stress normally means drying or curling or whiting leaves, or you get foxtailing in flower that looks more like a nute dif of somekind
  12. T

    12,000BTU isn't doing much

    do you run your ac in a room outside your grow area and vent the cool air in ? you should put the ac vent coming in lower than your carbon filter and across the room from it hot air above it will be draw into the filter the air below it will be cooled by the ac`d air check its working...
  13. T

    Seedlings problem... or not?

    I like 20c to 30c for seedlings 40c is when it gets too hot when starting with coco or foam or rockwall I like to give some rooter or plant start if I don`t then by week 2 they get a mild feed humidity I`ll go with 40% to 80% but 60% is probably ideal but some people seem to do fine upto 90%...
  14. T

    Whats YOUR light schedule during flower?

    7am to 6pm I think So no one sees the lights at night and bugs aren't drawn in by the lights also in the summer running during the day means my root zones stand a chance at getting under 20c during lights off Winter can be an issue as I think I`d rather run at night to save using a heater...
  15. T

    Sealed room with gavitas has leafs slightly cupin.

    have you got no fans moving air around the leaves ? good air circulation will help you get a better idea of the temps and humidity in the room same strain every time since you went with co2 ?
  16. T

    How/When to count flowering weeks?

    you hope, lol
  17. T

    How/When to count flowering weeks?

    Good way to put it, so a plant is not flowering until it`s got staggered nodes and is showing sex fully ? Funny how the odd auto seems to sex up by day 4 sometimes, I mean I`m pretty sure I had one showing sex 2 days after pop but it was a long time ago so it may have been 4 days even a week...
  18. T

    quick yielding methods? (autos, short vegging)

    Auto`s run pretty well with organic soil mixes I think someone said use oyster flour as it breaks down faster some of the crab and fish based stuff takes too long to brake down for autos I would start them inside and plant them outside between node 4 and 8, auto`s are better to pot up...
  19. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Is brainstorm shit ? or you just not a dutch passion fan ? I`m not overly keen on them but I`m guessing they could get a good haze and a good NL Oh well, the freebie chemdawgs flower up pretty nice and I`ve been wanting to grow a chocolope (that was the strain of the week)
  20. T

    Should I get a 300 watt or 600

    at best the 300w one only uses 100 to 150w the 600w one may use 300w or a bit more If its your only light I would look at some better options even 3000k cob leds can do better than most of them cheaper led units but I get them sometimes as they are cheap by cheap I mean £100 for a 1000w...