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  1. MadMel


    Looks like a pistil to me!! P-I-S-T-I-L. lol Hopefully only the grammar police are paying attention to this post! LMAO
  2. MadMel

    Male? Can't distinguish

    In a few days it will look like this, which is a female.
  3. MadMel

    Is this plant ready for a topping?

    Sounds like a plan! I just want to reiterate what BubaBlend said. When posting to ask opinions/help, wait until you get a consensus on the suggestions/opinions. There are people like me, who have limited experience, but sound general horticultural knowledge. And then there are people who have...
  4. MadMel

    Is this plant ready for a topping?

    Maybe. They are one of the RIU advertisers I think, the vault.
  5. MadMel

    Is this plant ready for a topping?

    If you are looking for higher yields, a different strain might be a better way to go. I saw on one seed site a strain that could produce up to 3 lbs. /plant. Blueberry blast by reeferman seeds. That's what the description says anyway. Gets my interest I assure you! lol
  6. MadMel

    I am living proof that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.

    I am living proof that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.
  7. MadMel

    Is this plant ready for a topping?

    I'm not a very experienced grower, however in general it's better for some to be topped and some do better not being topped. It varies from strain to strain. That's what I have read anyway. I would try to keep track of my strains for that reason if no other. Top it and see. Good luck my friend.
  8. MadMel

    What the hell are these

    Is the kind of soap you use important? What kind of soap? Dawn? Ivory? Other?
  9. MadMel

    What is that on my plant?

    No, temps are still warm in Kentucky.
  10. MadMel

    Marijuana seed shop

    Sorry about that. I thought that it was already uploaded when I hit "post".
  11. MadMel

    Marijuana seed shop

    White widow just under 3 months from the time I received them in the mail. Picture was taken today. Buds are already forming. The only thing left is harvest, dry, cure, and smoke!
  12. MadMel

    What is that on my plant?

    Kinda similar. Yours are on the north side too? I took some more pictures this afternoon....
  13. MadMel

    What the hell are these

    I just looked up spider mites on Google. Those pictures are similar to what you are showing in your pictures. I'm not sure but you might want to google it yourself and see. I have never seen any myself so I am not certain.
  14. MadMel

    ??Strain recommendations???

    Again going from what I have read, super soil is the best option for quality terpenes/ terpene profile. So it isn't just what you grow, but also how you grow it. I just can't afford an elaborate hydroponic setup, or any hydro setup and I know soil better than hydroponic growing, so soil was...
  15. MadMel

    ??Strain recommendations???

    I am also interested in what input you more experienced folks have. I was thinking about ordering some cookies autoflower, just so I could try it out, might not be a bad idea for you, if you are interested in just sampling the variety. If it turns out to be a good fit for you, you could...
  16. MadMel

    What is that on my plant?

    Thanks folks. I want to reiterate that it is only on two stems, on one it's all of the budlets on that stem. On the other one it's just on one bud site, the very top bud. Both stems are on the North side of the plant. I specify the northern side, because some plants, lichens and such grow best...
  17. MadMel

    What is that on my plant?

    You sure? No offense but it is only on two bud sites and the rest are all green. It's not a big problem if I need to get rid of it, that seed came from a bag of not so hot smoke. It's not too much of a loss if I have to yank it up and outta there. I just don't want to lose my good plants which...
  18. MadMel

    What is that on my plant?

    Just on one plant, on two bud sites, both are on the north side of the plant.
  19. MadMel

    What is that on my plant?

    Talking about the black stuff on the budlet.
  20. MadMel

    What is that on my plant?

    Easier to show than try and tell you....