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  1. Dan can grow

    Help Wanted - Is this ph fluctuation, cal-mag def, or something else?

    I have this same issue though my ventilation is there. My Temps are around 75. I Ph my water to 6.3. And i feed with general hydroponics nutes and 5 ml per gallon of cal mag with a pinch of Epsom salts. My leaves have dark purple stems and blotches, like yours. I think that I may be over...
  2. Dan can grow


    Do it now! I've had plenty of success as far as five weeks into flower. They do take longer to re-veg the further you are into flower.
  3. Dan can grow

    DON'T Post Pictures with a HPS or LED on! Please ...turn them OFF for pics!

    Magnetic ballast pics show lines, my new digital ballast has no lines in the pictures
  4. Dan can grow

    Promix ph

    I should also note that I'm using a led light. 300 watts, full spectrum. My small clone box I use CFL and no purple there. Is that light too intense for my little 2x2 area?
  5. Dan can grow

    Trichomes on leaf stems?

    I've done it a few times. My last ones were taken in January and took till March to reveg. But she's big and bushy as hell with the monster crop, and I have since cloned her. all strains act different tho when clones are taken in flower. My unknown indica revegged in about three weeks. Did it...
  6. Dan can grow

    Does this look like a pre flower?

    Mine just started showing after about 5 weeks in veg. One looks like a male and one a female.
  7. Dan can grow

    Promix ph

    Here's a photo of old growth then new growth. Even my others are going purple...
  8. Dan can grow

    Promix ph

    I thought so a bit also so I stopped all feeds and just watering with 6.3 ph water. Never saw leaf burn leave necrotic spots and purplish like this. That's why I wanted to know if 5.8 ph was too acidic. These plants did purple last run too but not this extreme
  9. Dan can grow

    Does this look like a pre flower?

    Upside down but I would say yes
  10. Dan can grow

    Promix ph

    I also veg to about 18". I start feed at around 200 ppm and increase a little every other watering until it's at about 550. During flower I'll run about 950 ppm
  11. Dan can grow

    Promix ph

    Indeed here's a photo of the worst one
  12. Dan can grow

    Promix ph

    Wanted advice from.those who use promix. It's my first time using it
  13. Dan can grow

    Promix ph

    Thanks I'm moving it up.
  14. Dan can grow

    Promix ph

    I've been researching this a lot. So I ran one clone. I used 7 ph rain water and it is looking better. I will increase ph to 6.3 for veg. What should I run for flower?
  15. Dan can grow

    Promix ph

    I do own a ppm meter and use it every time I prepare water. My tap comes out at 70 ppm. I usually add 1ml micro 2 ml bloom and 3ml gro per gallon of water With ph down to 5.9 my ppms are right around 550.
  16. Dan can grow

    Promix ph

    I'm currently growing several strains in promix. I use general hydroponics nutrients and always ph to 5.9 with ppm around 550 for veg.'s Some of my plants are great but two in particular look bad. I'm talking brown necrosis and really purple stems. At first I thought a cal mag issue so I bumped...
  17. Dan can grow

    Soil pH

    I do this. Either make a slurry with water and dirt and test that or test the runoff after watering
  18. Dan can grow

    Soil pH

    That doesn't look amazing
  19. Dan can grow

    Why wont it work? HELP!!

    You're correct it is a soilless medium.
  20. Dan can grow

    Why wont it work? HELP!!

    Yes! They are cheap on e bay. I Got both a ppm and ph pen for like 12 bucks free shipping.. your plants look bad tho. I would stop feeding all together. The nutes that guy gave you aren't working. Try just water ph to 5.8.