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  1. prostheticninja

    2 Bagseeds at the porch (First grow)

    Look awesome man. +rep
  2. prostheticninja

    You Know You're a Stoner if....

    Ok I got a few You know your a stoner when zig zags are on your grocery list. You know your a stoner when you try to unlock your ipod when it's off. You know your a stoner when you walk in your house and immediately lock the door. You know your a stoner if you wake up in the morning after...
  3. prostheticninja

    Are you an MPer?

    I'm not a regular but, should I also be offended?
  4. prostheticninja

    Best Movie To Watch While High!

    The Twilight Zone episodes from the sixty's are trippy as shit when your high. Dazed and Confused is amazing sober and its a million times better high The Wall that movie is effin crazy. or any shitty movie on scyfy is awesome when baked. EDIT: Fear and Loathing is funny and it makes you think...
  5. prostheticninja

    two part question

    For number one it depends on the strain. If its super stinky I'd say grow it at-least a mile or two from any populated area (do this anyways though), or just grow it way out in the woods. As for number two I don't know, but you do have RIU. Why would you need a book?
  6. prostheticninja

    101 Already Asked Questions

    This is a weird question but, if you put a tums in the soil before you grow tomatoes they aren't supposed to rot. Could you do the same with weed to avoid bud rot?
  7. prostheticninja

    Want to grow outdoors in forrest...Please help..Water supply?

    My friend got 5 50 gallon plastic drums with a hose on the bottom and a valve on the end, filled it with water, and hung it from a tree (you either have to be really strong to do this or have a lot of people. 50 gallons of water weights about 417 pounds). Every couple days he would refill them...
  8. prostheticninja

    Warning don't visit the bulk food store FU.

    I went to Costco one time baked as fuck for a $2 gallon on apple juice. I was in there for 2 hours and spent close to 150 bucks on candy. I've never been so sick in my life after I ate 3 boxes of Pixy sticks.
  9. prostheticninja

    What do you do high?

    My day is as follows: Get up Smoke a fat bowl School (I'm on Christmas break now) Come home Smoke another bowl Play cod Come on here Take a shower Sleep
  10. prostheticninja

    I had bugs and I used a fogger called "Attain Tr" Im 7 weeks in flowering...Bad news?

    Id imagine that it would be ok if you kinda like rinsed it off, I mean just as long as you didn't use Raid or like anthrax for bugs.
  11. prostheticninja

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    hic, good luck also with your grow and I would like to think I'm a halfway decent person.
  12. prostheticninja

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    This is my first grow with more than one plant. 10 Blue Mystic Feminized + autoflower-Nirvana 5 Big Buddha Blue Cheese Feminized- Herbies Headshop 3 seeds I found in my junk drawer.
  13. prostheticninja

    is there a way to make lsd at home i heard something with morning glory seeds????

    I heard you can make sunshine acid with rotted oats or something.