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  1. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    ^^^^^ This used to be my life. I mourn for it every day. Remember that if your biological clock starts ticking, and then stab it.
  2. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    OMFG!!!! :shock::shock::shock: Although the mister is buddy's with a cop and he sussed the situation, hypothetically speaking of course, but he's of the opinion he's more than happy for people to grow for personal use. As he said "wtf do I care whether you go out for a pint or have a joint at...
  3. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yeah I know. I think I'll say it to them though, in the interest of good karma and all that. Life is giving me enough beatings as is... I think Nirvana's WW was my very first grow, or else it was Northern Lights. Comical now that I think back on it, I didn't have a flipping clue as to what I...
  4. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Never used them so I can't comment. In other news, my missing seeds just arrived and my replacement seeds are already in the post. Jawb.
  5. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Fingers crossed re the mortgage! Don't even start me on the banks, they're the real criminal element in this country, not us poor shmucks growing our little bit of herb.
  6. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I've been here so many times man, the fucking rental situation is a nightmare at the mo! Had to move 3 times in a year because of greedy landlords turfing us out, one lad even threatened to change the locks on us and dump our stuff in the garden! Same time my dog had just died, she was only 5...
  7. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    No idea on big yield strains but I'd like to know the answer to that question too! Got a call to collect the smallie from school coz she's sick, so that's my lot for the next few days. I hate adulting. >:(
  8. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I hear ya man. I've been growing on and off for 10 years, I've been learning for 10 years and I'll still be learning in another 10 years. My girls are my safe space, when life is kicking me in the hole, (which is all the time these days), I tend to them and they help keep me grounded. Lights...
  9. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    WHOOP! Happy Perpetual Grow Day!! Yeah it's nasty out there. Veg and flower under hps is fine, mh not so good for flower though. No idea man, but defo not 3oz. I wish it was!, lol! The best I've gotten with the 150w from 1 plant is about 40g dry weight, but I'm still relatively new to...
  10. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Here's my Queen, looking all sexy n shit. Tonight's her last night in the tent, tomorrow she goes into darkness for 2 days before getting the chop on Saturday.
  11. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Oh fuck, I LOVE raffaello!! Prefer Ferrero though. @Naes, g'wan!!!! Yay for perpetual grows! :bigjoint: @ae86 grower, good on ya man, hope it works out in your favour.
  12. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Karma, bitch! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: That's what you get for rubbing your 3pm volcano in our faces
  13. kit10

    Spuds Green Crack Grow

    Temps are meant to dip again over the next few days, snow predicted too, that won't help you much! I'll be praying to mary jane for ya...
  14. kit10

    Spuds Green Crack Grow

    Ah dose man! They're nearly a month old though, definitely time for nutes! Hopefully you'll see some improvements in the next week.
  15. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Got soaked through to me knickers collecting the monster. She had the audacity to complain about the rain cover on her buggy touching her so I gave her a blast of life without the rain cover. She wasn't long realising how lucky she had it! :fire: Oh I'd kill for a blast of cookies right now...
  16. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yup, that's parenthood for ya.
  17. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Jammy bastard. I've to go walking in the pissing rain in an hour to collect my smallie from pre-school and listen to her whinge about everything. She's in fierce fucking humour today. Wanna swap? I'd love to spend the day on my couch smoking...
  18. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Aw man I got goosebumps listening to this! Rockin out in my kitchen. Once upon a time raver Eternal hippy. :peace: Fuck the obnoxious bosses of the world!:finger:
  19. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    You remind me of my brother and his wife - killing each other/lovely dovey/killing each other... and so on and so forth.... very amusing to watch but they're a royal pain in the hole to go on hols with!
  20. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    So quit yer bitchin then! :P Balls anyway, RQS came back to me and confirmed my order is lost in transit, but they're reshipping it today and throwing in another 4 free seeds, along with the other extra bits. Considering my original order only consisted of 2 seeds and a packet of skins and...