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  1. Polyuro

    Heat/Wind burn??

    Hey everyone, what do you think is going on here? I think this is from my dehumidifier exhaust blowing on it. There are two plants in this SIP and the one closest to exhaust is having problems. I was also thinking bugs but not sure...
  2. Polyuro

    Super Soil Stopped Growing Mycro Web

    Your fungus web is probably either Endo/ecto mycos or it is mycelium. Add great white like products for mycos and add grokashi like malted barley products for mycelium. Both at the same time is fine too but I believe the mycelium is dominant and will eat the mycos over time.
  3. Polyuro

    Wtf is wrong

    Too much nitrogen makes the plant have magnesium deficiencies. See Mulder's chart.
  4. Polyuro

    Wtf is wrong

    Looks like over watering and it needs magnesium
  5. Polyuro

    Lavender aura bodhi - harvesting

    getting close to harvest and not sure if it is ready. Any thoughts recommendations?
  6. Polyuro

    bodhi seeds

    Here is the lavender aura again. Not sure if it is ready to harvest... What do you guys suggest i do?
  7. Polyuro

    Hardwood fines stored in barn for 3+ years - risk of pests or mites?

    Hardwood will not breakdown properly and will block water penetration. Also brown hardwood doesn't have the rights mycos in it.
  8. Polyuro

    Polyuro's 1st organic grow: Alpha to Omega

    More space. Not sure exactly what to do with it yet. But more space! No more panda film for me. Lesson learned..
  9. Polyuro

    Polyuro's 1st organic grow: Alpha to Omega

    Made a couple 5 gal sips for fun. Put clones in. They seem happy so far.
  10. Polyuro

    Polyuro's 1st organic grow: Alpha to Omega

    Started off with six and had two males. 2 plants per sip. This is from may.
  11. Polyuro

    bodhi seeds

    Dude the mycelium mat is just incredible. Its steroids for soil.
  12. Polyuro

    Polyuro's 1st organic grow: Alpha to Omega

    More pics
  13. Polyuro

    Polyuro's 1st organic grow: Alpha to Omega

    Pics. About a week out from havest
  14. Polyuro

    Polyuro's 1st organic grow: Alpha to Omega

    First run I have 4 lavender aura females. 2 plants per earthbox sip. Rooms were finished and ac infinity installed. Been water only except for two jobes tree spikes per sip and a top dress of BAD craft blend. Also Epsom salt once during mid flower. Been simple. Didn't get a screen on in time or...
  15. Polyuro

    bodhi seeds

    Yes, grokashi, bu’s, and em-1 in rez every so often. Dry nutz mixed in peat base mix. Been stupid simple really. Straight tap wate, dont care about pH. Jobes tree spikes at flip and just a little Epsom salt once.
  16. Polyuro

    bodhi seeds

    These have a little over a week I think..
  17. Polyuro

    bodhi seeds

    Start of week 8 flower. First run with her. All seeds popped. Veg for +5 weeks. Flipped and stretched big time. Needs support for all the heavy dense nugs. It got away from me. Didn’t trainer her enough. It’s been a pleasure. Think she has a little under a week till harvest. tester nugs are...
  18. Polyuro

    bodhi seeds

    Lavender Aura. In earthbox SIP. Lol. Ridiculous.
  19. Polyuro

    Using only Down To Earth mixed bags

    Gonna use some greensand next round now
  20. Polyuro

    Should I add Kelp Meal & Neem Meal to Soil Mix?

    Scott's is the company tied to Monsanto, which is now Bayer. Scott's distribute, or did for a long time, Round-up I believe. So says Wikipedia