Search results

  1. pahval

    I'm asking for your data logs of your growbox/growroom controllers

    Hello there, currently I'm working on my own custom growroom and growbox controller that I plan to make open source and available to anyone with proper scalability (from simple temperature control to web interface, VPD calibrated temp/hum/co2 control and light timers for normal, uv and ir...
  2. pahval

    Any Covid growers out there lose their sense of smell?

    Same here, mild symptoms, highest temp was 39.2 C, chocolate tastes as mushy snow (dont ask how i know), will pass... Im happy that you made it trough... Keep it strong!
  3. pahval

    Also im interested in a behaviour of temp and hum in space (how much it falls/raise in xy m3)...

    Also im interested in a behaviour of temp and hum in space (how much it falls/raise in xy m3) with led lights and known regulation devices so i can maybe predict behaviour and see if implementation of PID controller is necessary in my program...
  4. pahval

    Yes, i have studied it... First thing i implemented in my diy controller... Auto correction of...

    Yes, i have studied it... First thing i implemented in my diy controller... Auto correction of rh and temps... But im wondering about efficient night temperatures, and proper co2 hum/temp values (vpd is a ratio of leaf and air vapor pressure, you can be in range with 15 and 35 C)...
  5. pahval

    Control odor & sterilize your room air + surfaces 24/7 + eliminate PM

    I would like to see how this device compares to hydroxyl generators, as they are cheaper to produce (uvc lamp with TiO2 mesh around it and in air that is 60-90% humid), and without any long lasting radicals (ozone last about 20 minutes, hydrogen trioxide about 16 minutes in room temperatures...
  6. pahval

    Wow nice... Are you interested in helping me? Im searching for data on how environment variables...

    Wow nice... Are you interested in helping me? Im searching for data on how environment variables affect yields, it would mean a lot to me if you sent me data, but if thats a problem, can you tell me did you analyze your data, and what did you find? Did you try to experiment with any grow? Is...
  7. pahval

    What has cannabis ever cured you from or of?

    Not me, but my dear friend used it to treat cancer, i was planting weed for her (illegal in my country, good stuff is about 1900 usd for 9 ounces), hard breast cancer, she used it for cure, apettite, sleep, side effects of chemo, doctors gave her 2 months, she got 3 years until it hit back...
  8. pahval

    Seeing Numbers? 11:11? Synchronicities? Paranoia? Deja-vu's? Schizophrenia

    it seems you got stuck in it pretty hard... you mentioned before, our mind is evolved to seek patterns, and to make ones when there arent any... how many other numbers did you miss out on? how many other posts are out there with xyz number of likes, that you didnt catch on, just cause you...
  9. pahval

    DIY environmental controller

    what are in your experiences shortcomings of esp32 and arduinos? imho esp32 is what arduino needs to become a viable product, take mega with 52 digital IO and esp32s 2 cores with floating point unit inside very developed environment of open source libraries, and you can make miracles... but im...
  10. pahval

    DIY environmental controller

    1500 usd? really? @Jesusgrowsmygrass how much did it cost you to make it? i tought it was supposed to be cheaper than other commercial products (altough for 1500 american pesos you get only controller without any sensors and actuators)... im doing my own myCodo level of controller (but different...
  11. pahval

    Seeing Numbers? 11:11? Synchronicities? Paranoia? Deja-vu's? Schizophrenia

    from my own experiences, i think i can conclude we have internal clock, that can be very precise (i order myself to get up at 06:00, and i wake up around 05:53 - 06:00), and from what ive seen in my self, we tend to think of those 11:11 and others as sign of some godly force, we have natural...
  12. pahval

    "When designing embedded systems, the logic quickly becomes complex, disorganized, and...

    "When designing embedded systems, the logic quickly becomes complex, disorganized, and bewildering. You might eventually be able to get the logic to work with a mess of a code, but debugging will give you gray hairs and the code will possibly be near incomprehensive to others." -...
  13. pahval

    anyone has logs of their growbox controller temperature and humidity? :)

    anyone has logs of their growbox controller temperature and humidity? :)
  14. pahval

    CO2 Sensor for Arduino

    Analog sensors like MQ7 are very different than digital ones, analog sensor is prone to noises if the cables arent connected and shielded properly, and faults in general because you as user are supposed to code fault correction, but they have quicker readings (as fast as your analog.Read() is)...
  15. pahval

    CO2 Sensor for Arduino

    I know what you mean, diy-ing grow can end fatally almost in any point and extra care is always a good thing, if not necessity, i can only say that from my experience a good, high qual sensors (more expensive ones, from reputable makers and with good reviews from all around the web) lasts for...
  16. pahval

    CO2 Sensor for Arduino

    for what do you need monoxide sensor? quick google search find MQ7 sensor, its analog so no library needed for interface...
  17. pahval

    Automating a Grow Room / Rooms

    hello there... maybe i can be of help here if someone needs help with code... im designing my own system, that takes care of environment and nutrients, as of yet i have no device ready, as im still making my code (it has to have PID tuning of temp and hum regulation in proper VPD parameters...
  18. pahval

    CO2 Sensor for Arduino

    how about this one? afaik its most accurate one... just take in mind you need to calibrate it for 7 days with at least 1 hour per day of fresh air, and you can improve accuracy by giving altitude of where sensor will be (easily done with gps app on...
  19. pahval

    (Electrician advice) installing breaker 15 amp to 20 amp

    nah mate, i was one of the best in class, and worked for mayor companies all around europe building (wiring) *machines, which is my speciality, but as an apprentice i worked in telecomunication and in house installations, so i know about standards, and i know about american standards since i...
  20. pahval

    Co2 and vpd?

    They look nice... Lower rh recommendation is to prevent having bud mold, but from what ive seen these people also have high temps, mold comes with high temp and hum, ive red somewhere tha user had high temp and hum trough the day and lower (esp. humidity) trough the night and had no problems...