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  1. MickFoster

    Confirm this is male plant pls

    Kill the males before they ejaculate pollen.
  2. MickFoster

    Confirm this is male plant pls

    Big balls.......kill it.
  3. MickFoster

    my plant is just starting and it’s growing weird any tips please!?!?!

    I highly suggest you do some
  4. MickFoster

    The Debate: Thursday, June 27

    As much as it pains me to say..........if the Dems want to win in November, Biden needs to step down. The substance of his answers were great, but his delivery showed a sometimes confused elderly man unable to organize his thoughts. It was difficult to watch.
  5. MickFoster

    I hate trimming thread!

    I think everyone hates trimming. I only cut what I can trim in an hour or so, and I have it done in a few days.........I can't sit there for hours at a time.
  6. MickFoster

    my plant is just starting and it’s growing weird any tips please!?!?!

    Looks they can grow. Good luck.
  7. MickFoster

    my plant is just starting and it’s growing weird any tips please!?!?!

    The one on the left looks great........good job. The right one still ha a little membrane left preventing the leaves from opening. Soften with water and you should be able to easily remove it.
  8. MickFoster

    my plant is just starting and it’s growing weird any tips please!?!?!

    Spray this one again so you can pick off the remaining's that yellowish/brownish flake on the stem. Good luck and welcome to RIU.
  9. MickFoster

    my plant is just starting and it’s growing weird any tips please!?!?!

    Both sprouts still have the shell worse than the other. Spray with water to soften, then very gently pry off with a toothpick or tweezers........don't leave any membrane either. If you don't remove them, your sprouts may not survive.
  10. MickFoster

    Folding sugar leaves. Need some opinions

    Too much nitrogen.
  11. MickFoster

    11 day old white widow (do they look ok?)

    Not even close to needing transplanting.
  12. MickFoster

    Female or Male?

  13. MickFoster

    Should I flush ?

    Another flushing thread........ :wall:
  14. MickFoster

    Greetings from The West Side!

    Welcome to RIU.
  15. MickFoster

    Male or female or herm

    Can't tell anything from those pics.
  16. MickFoster

    Wtf is this a seed pod in my bud?

    I'm not sure why people panic over a few seeds. In the 60's and 70's, every bag of weed I bought had seeds........lots of seeds. It was still good. Killing a healthy plant over a seed pod is ridiculous.