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    Spider farmer sf4000 **HELP NEEDED**

    I’m running 2 sf2ks in a 4x4x7 similar outside temp air 60-70( unheated bedroom) with my fan running and it’s warm outside it’ll touch 85 but normally with both running around 80
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    Platinum OG /LED / Ocean Forest

    You’re a week ahead of me! What light are you using / grow area ect they look good
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    Ts600 hydro mars

    Sf 2000 Samsung diodes decent driver decent price
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    Sp250 or hlg260v1?

    Don’t sleep on the spider farmers im still fairy new to leds but they use the Samsung diodes I’m going to be running 2 sf2ks in a 4x4
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    Purple sprite grow

    Looks fire nice work!
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    Purple sprite grow

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    Purple sprite grow

    W leds when do you normally start the calmag
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    Purple sprite grow

    Keep up the good work interested to see your harvest
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    Purple sprite grow

    That’s impressive imo they all look really good under 1 small light what are the dimensions roughly for your “tent”
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    Purple sprite grow

    I hear ya I’m in a similar scenario just getting back into it on a very small scale have a 4x4x7 otw now focusing on lighting been looking at the mars what’s size is this?! I’m debating on whether the ts3k or 2 2ks ‍♂️
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    Purple sprite grow

    Lookin good man I’ve been foll this thread stealing ideas for my own!
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    Anyone using the Timber model-4vs in a 3x3x6 tent?

    Looks amazing piecing together for my first run was going to do hps but that 4vs looks awesome , been a while for me times have obviously changed in the light department