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  1. Steve Man

    Seedling deficiency??

    Can soil get root rot? I thought that was just a hydroponic thing but this kinda looks like root rot. Or your pH is out of wac
  2. Steve Man

    Please help me Diagnose.

    Yea i mean N as in Nitrogen haha, time to start taking a wee in your res
  3. Steve Man

    Please help me Diagnose.

    Looks like a n def to me
  4. Steve Man

    Hi guys just wanted your opinion of what u think bout my first grow

    You see those side growths that are coming out? That's what you are going to clone so let them get a little bit bigger then you can start the cloning
  5. Steve Man

    Hi guys just wanted your opinion of what u think bout my first grow

    They are not nearly big enough to clone yet bub
  6. Steve Man

    Anyone having any skin cancer issues with HPS and LED lights?

    I always lay under it with the girls get my tan on8)
  7. Steve Man

    Week 3 almost done......question

    I really like ff for soil
  8. Steve Man


    you can get a feed schedule from anyone you buy nutes from just go to their website im just using ff as a example, whatever brand you use google it and add feed schedule to the end of it
  9. Steve Man

    Help! I cut one of my main colas!

    I see the pistils now your doing great, you ever considered cutting some of the smaller growths closer to the bottom where there is no light. Would help build up bud density on the main colas rather than popcorn nugs.
  10. Steve Man


    Ppm meters give you a accurate reading on your total dissolved solids, i treat it like lifting weights i start my plants at 0-100 and just keep adding more weight each res swap. How many times you change your res a month?
  11. Steve Man


    critical mass and northern lights are the 2 most impressive ive seen on this forum
  12. Steve Man

    Rusted brown tiger stripes

    Could be early n tox but they are not clawing like n tox. How close was ya light op
  13. Steve Man

    How does this plant look to you ?

    Kinda droopy, and maybe some nute burn or ph is off. how often do you water?
  14. Steve Man

    Soda bottle DWC for starting off your plants.

    Great idea! i can only imagine how easy this mush make cloning for you
  15. Steve Man

    first time d.i.y nft

    Weight will come with time, once this system is dialed in and you got a few under you the weight will be the easy part
  16. Steve Man

    First grow - 600w hps

    Good luck and have fun with your first! That light is a little strong for those little girls, check out a t5! Its already been recommended but you wont believe it until you use it the difference that it makes.
  17. Steve Man

    7 weeks into flower

    Flushing is personal choice, compared side to side i there isnt much of a difference. Read that then make your choice on whether to flush or not to flush Your girls are no where near ready tho all those white hairs need to change to...
  18. Steve Man

    Too much space?? Please help.

    I had this problem, i hung up black tarp that i got from lowes and made 2 rooms out of it. I use mirrors and mylar on the buckets and all the light stays in, i cut a square out for my exhaust fan, worked for me
  19. Steve Man

    Help! I cut one of my main colas!

    You are probably not getting buds because the plant is not sexually mature enough yet or they are males, even flipping light cycles doesnt always put them into flower, give them time they will bud edit: i dont even see any pistils