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  1. eyderbuddy

    Led strip Opinions pls

    The reason i recommended the LRS is because they are very very low cost. But if money isn't an issue, then i recommend you get an HLG driver. Series and Parallel builds differ in the way you distribute your wiring, and will require a different driver depending on what you like. On Parallel...
  2. eyderbuddy

    Led strip Opinions pls

    If heatsinks aren't the problem. Then do your thing man. If they're connected in parallel, the current gets divided between each strip. And yes, you're correct in your calculations. This only happens if they're all connected in parallel though...
  3. eyderbuddy

    First grow problem

    Your point is proven, That's a trade people are willing to make when they get into autos. I personally like to buy regulars and choose my phenos, raise mothers, and take clones. Just saying that autos aren't as bad now-a-days as they were 5 years ago
  4. eyderbuddy

    Led strip Opinions pls

    280 to 300 watts should be more than enough... I don't know enough about the cooling efficiency of those strips, but i suppose they could do 20-25 watts (1-1.25 amp x 20 volt) without an actual heatsink... That remains to be seen though.. If you want to do 300 Watts with 10 strips, that's 30W...
  5. eyderbuddy

    First grow problem

    i wouldn't be so sure about autos sucking... lately i've seen many vigorous, resilient auto plants...
  6. eyderbuddy

    Led strip Opinions pls

    Whats your grow space area? How many watts per strip are you thinking of?
  7. eyderbuddy

    Led strip Opinions pls

    Alright, what's the model? Well, it seems like it's just a generic 20V model... But i have no way to know how high it can go in terms of Amps * Volts. It could be a 10W strip or a 50W strip for all i know
  8. eyderbuddy

    Bucket Flood/Drain system in hydroton,anyone ?

    Well, your plants will look dry for sure, lol. Now, if you're talking about the root zone... It depends so much on your individual conditions, like ambient humidity, and temperature that its hard to just predict the perfect flood time. As long as the plants seem healthy and you keep the roots...
  9. eyderbuddy

    Bucket Flood/Drain system in hydroton,anyone ?

    just keep an eye on them i can't really recommend anything without seeing what's going on in your system, but when i do ebb n flow i always try to go for the lowest amount of "dry time", it's just what i like tbh
  10. eyderbuddy

    First high CBD grow.

    Did some research and found that CBD production starts earlier than THC production... So the logic behind what i heard before was that if you stop the strain around week 6 you'd get a higher CBD:THC ratio simply because CBD starts first, and THC kicks in later... Honestly, it makes no sense to...
  11. eyderbuddy

    Cobs and leaf tacoing at the top

    your temps and humidity are fine... Some strains do this, idk why. It looks like you're on the edge of nute burn though, that may be related so keep watching.
  12. eyderbuddy

    Does CFL temps matter?

    even chinese blurplee lights are better than CFLs for growing... i'd stay away I once used 175 watts worth of mixed CFLs to only harvest 1 ounce of mediocre stuff
  13. eyderbuddy

    First high CBD grow.

    hey man nice grow, just wondering, is it true that CBD strains must be harvested earlier or the CBD goes down and favors THC? im also doing my first CBD grow, and people keep telling me that
  14. eyderbuddy

    To much stretch?

    nothing wrong with it as long as humidity doesn't get too high they seem like they're clones... Try topping the top colas to see if you can get the bottom growth to pick up the pace
  15. eyderbuddy

    Massive heat problem! Solutions?

    good thing about the AC is that it also acts as a dehumidifier
  16. eyderbuddy

    Massive heat problem! Solutions?

    is using a portable AC within your possibilities?
  17. eyderbuddy

    What causes small leaf syndrom?

    i've had plants with 11 blades in 1 gal pots... I used to think it was related to the size of the pot, but that doesn't seem to be the case
  18. eyderbuddy

    What causes small leaf syndrom?

    How many blades are we talking here?
  19. eyderbuddy

    Die fungus gnats! Die! Die!

    i'll keep this in mind brother thanks