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  1. Cobnobuler

    Best Places To Go - Online Shopping

    I dont know about Neptune but I gave SeedsHereNow a go and wished I hadn't. 2 of the 3 strains I got from them were straight up crap. Most of them died trying to germinate and the ones that lived are growing at a snails pace. Super high priced too.
  2. Cobnobuler

    Ethos Seeds

    Well, I started out like I usually do, Foxfarm Light Warrior straight out of the bag except for a handful of Perlite. As time went on and these were either dying off or they stunted badly, I decided to transplant them into regular Foxfarm Ocean Forrest and now it looks like those that survived...
  3. Cobnobuler

    Ethos Seeds

    I tried running Ethos Mandarin Sunset and for me, they were straight garbage. Those that did make it to the surface soon dropped dead after that. I've tried 3 different strains now from Seeds Here Now and none of them were worthy of keeping. Bummer too cause I spent over 200 bucks on 2 packs of...
  4. Cobnobuler

    For those who rely on synthetic urine to pass drug tests

    These days, many jobs, especially involving the DOT, they ask in your application if you have tested positive for substances in the past 2 years with another employer.
  5. Cobnobuler

    Who is accepting Mastercard these days ?

    ....Some banks that I used in the past are no longer accepting MasterCard. Whats the general opinion around here on LEGIT providers that accept MC and offer great genetics ? Thanx
  6. Cobnobuler

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    Old as I am who remembers Bruno Samartino ? He’s a legend around these parts
  7. Cobnobuler

    It’s Back: Win Up to 40 Premium Royal Queen Seeds!

    Give me the prize or chew me ballsak.
  8. Cobnobuler

    What to do,how long to wait

    IS that even a female plant ? Can you get some better pics closer up ?
  9. Cobnobuler

    ATF way past her typical flowering time

    It may not necessarily been an Autoflowering plant. It may have just started showing pre-flowers in veg. Many plants will do that. I dont know what your using for lighting or if your just keeping it outside but the bottom line is, that girl isn't ready yet. At least by looking at the pics it...
  10. Cobnobuler

    can i defoliate my plant (flowering week6)

    Take all the leaves off. They don't serve any purpose. Clearly Mother Nature has no idea what she is doing. We know much better what these here plants need.
  11. Cobnobuler

    50$+ for a reg seed??

    50 geeters aint shit to some people. It's a big world.
  12. Cobnobuler

    Where's the best place to get seeds if you live in the Northeast

    Not since 2015. When I did I had no issues at all with them. You can always send an E-mail to Mr C if you have any questions or concerns.
  13. Cobnobuler

    Spider mites.

    Thanks for the input Grease, I appreciate it. I'm a lot smaller with only 5 flowering plants and 5 vegging in a tent in another part of the basement which for some reason ( knock on wood ) never seems to get the mites. Its a small 3x5 tent and every week or so I empty it out and spray the whole...
  14. Cobnobuler

    Spider mites.

    I've been dealing with these bastards off and on for the last 2 years. I've found mighty wash to be the best at making them disappear. But for me, my grow room is in my basement some of which has a dirt floor and it is virtually impossible to sanitize an entire basement of this kind from spider...
  15. Cobnobuler

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    I prefer Demerol myself but yeah............
  16. Cobnobuler

    Taxes and writeoffs

  17. Cobnobuler

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    Me too.... And I have a really good start on it. I got like 50 stents in me pipes already trying to keep the old ticker going. They want to bust my chest open but I don't wanna.
  18. Cobnobuler

    May the 4th Be With You – A Special Vault Promo

    I've said it a thousand times. Give me 1st prize or diddle me ballz
  19. Cobnobuler

    First time grow room, and the headache I encountered.

    I can sense your excitement for getting started. Thats a blast. Your room looks real good. Best of luck with your grow. ( Have lots of patience )