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  1. dream2003

    BKR Project....let's roll.

    @HighLowGrow I'm Smokin some AKRyderbeen drying since tuesday curing jars now lol it's bine a hole year or more since I hit some of that GREEN SMOKE . When I grow it I just gotta JUST GOTTA!! smoke It lol
  2. dream2003

    Canada grow log 2016

    Some AfghanKushRyder Bud gets me and the wifey baked lolbeen drying since Tuesday
  3. dream2003

    BKR Project....let's roll.

    Thanks! HLGrow, they are starting to pack on the weight but nothing compared to your berry ryder nice fat nugs of goodness
  4. dream2003

    BKR Project....let's roll.

    Side veiw BKRyder, in other pic from dead center going left are 4 BKRyder's, had some males critical og cookies put them on tide of bush line with no morning sun one started to flower early other plants are AfghanKushRyders making these ones into CriticalOgCoockiesKush yes! HighLowGrow they are...
  5. dream2003

    BKR Project....let's roll.

    Just popun in to say thank u HighLowGrow i mean look at them lol close up is none other then BKRyder seeded with my early male stud they will be reg's tho well im very happy,
  6. dream2003

    getaway seeder/outdoor/greenhouse grow 2016

    Seed bank ! Did I miss something ? Lol :)
  7. dream2003

    BKR Project....let's roll.

    Good though he's gone tomorrow lol kind of thought that too but sluffed it off
  8. dream2003

    BKR Project....let's roll.

    U think that a good time to polinate at day 55 and after that ? Im at day73 and still polinating lol well not realy me polinating but male plant is still givin it to all 12 ladies still LMAO!!!
  9. dream2003

    BKR Project....let's roll.

    Ok today is starting of week 11 and polination started 1 to 1 1/2 weeks ago, one of my own seeds reg critical og cookies started to flower early and was male so figured why not lol lots of seeds to play with and try find some early photo finishers for my season was gonna take more pics but phone...
  10. dream2003

    getaway seeder/outdoor/greenhouse grow 2016

    Wow!! u must use a lot off ur juice ? They lookin fabb, nice green and healthy there getaway.
  11. dream2003

    Canada grow log 2016

    Planted june first for two weeks in 16 oz cups then half gallon,1st pic tuesday, transplanted from half gallon to three gallons wednesday afternoon, storm Rolled thru lol all nine females laying flat sidways but not broken awesome
  12. dream2003

    getaway seeder/outdoor/greenhouse grow 2016

    Me to lol, wink wink GWMOUNTAIN, ur ladies are lookin good there bud, im trying a mix of my seeds stock with fem AFGHAN KUSH RYDER had an early guy open up with pollen so the AKRYDERS are been hit to day lol try my hand at making some things early
  13. dream2003

    BKR Project....let's roll.

    Keep us updated on these totes. Will do HLGrow and I dont think the plastic 16 oz cups helped for the first 2 weeks as my first AKRyder was dropped in to a bigger pot right from the get go that grew bigger leafs and hight in the first 2 weeks but all was a learning curve for me with auto's lol
  14. dream2003

    BKR Project....let's roll.

    @HighLowGrow my girls are about 1 1/2 ft tall and smaller at the end of week 8 today. They we're started in 16 oz cups for 2 weeks then transplanted to tote with extra soil from last year that had time release ferts which must of released because I had nut lock through week 3 so did a flush...
  15. dream2003

    Canada grow log 2016

    Will have to check out the local dollarama lol never new they had those othere wise i would of picked up a few or more, fingers X crossed. south manitoban here 8or 9 AfghanKushRyder's 4 BerryKush Ryder's ending week 8 on the 9th this week end, the taller one's are over 1 1/2 ft in 34 gallons of soil
  16. dream2003

    BKR Project....let's roll.

    @HighLowGrow I have about 10 AKR's and 4 BKR' s 1 being lost in the bunch lol started in doors on may15 for 2 week's then put out doors in 189 liter tote with about 140 liter's of siol so 34 gallons. Will take pics tomorrow if I dont forget my phone lol some started full flower 1 with thc already
  17. dream2003


    Im doin super skunk reg's right now , have tried snow white fem good strong stone I'd recommend it.
  18. dream2003

    getaway seeder/outdoor/greenhouse grow 2016

    @getawaymountain Just curious lol what are the stains of the one's that are finishing early?
  19. dream2003

    getaway seeder/outdoor/greenhouse grow 2016
