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  1. Dr New New

    First time growing ANY SUGGESTIONS?

    I am not getting much help from the Grow Journals section. So I am posting this here to maybe get a few fellow hydro growers to check my grow out and see if they see anything I should do. Any help is greatly appreciated...
  2. Dr New New

    Big Budha AutoFem and Delicious Critical Super Silver Haze

    By the way this is flower day 14
  3. Dr New New

    Big Budha AutoFem and Delicious Critical Super Silver Haze

    Some close ups of some of the bbafs. I have to say not to bad for my first grow ever, everyone kept telling me not to go hydro. But this is one happy girl! I can't wait until the dcssh start to flower!
  4. Dr New New

    Big Budha AutoFem and Delicious Critical Super Silver Haze

    Ok did some trimming, a girlfriend of mine said to cut the water leaves off so I did on all the auto flowers. The scrog net was making me mad so I cut it to :D
  5. Dr New New

    Big Budha AutoFem and Delicious Critical Super Silver Haze

    I'll update in two days Sent from my SM-N900V using Rollitup mobile app
  6. Dr New New

    Ripper Seeds: Double Glock and Grape Gum hydroponic grow.

    Double glock popped Sent from my SM-N900V using Rollitup mobile app
  7. Dr New New

    Newest Setup! 1 of 4 rooms

    I literally got wet looking at this... wow...
  8. Dr New New

    Unique Hydroponics Grow Box

    I researched pre made boxes for a long time. Supercloset seemed to good to be true. Then I walked into my first hydro ponic shop and they convinced me otherwise. I will say this. For the money I would have spent on a supercloset I would not have the set up I have now. I currently have a 4x4...
  9. Dr New New

    I'm switching from soil to hydro - migration advice?

    So I bought 5 hydrofarms and thought that would do me good for my first grow. Then I found on sale because some one modified it to have air stones and a drip top. I have had excellent results so I bought another one. I can do 4 large plants or 2...
  10. Dr New New

    1k watt grow newbie plz comment

    are you going to scrog? SOG? cut the bottom 1/2 to produce more uptop? are you topping for more tops?
  11. Dr New New

    Chiggity check out the ladies at 2 weeks old

    look good m8. Check out my Delicious Critical silver haze that is on flower day 10.
  12. Dr New New

    What would YOU do if you had $200-300 to build a GrowBox?

    I'd invest the money into a penny stock and hope it comes out good. My setup for my first grow is at around $4,500.
  13. Dr New New

    One month, and 3 days...

    Welcome to RIU and nice looking plants cant wait to see more of what you post! I'm always here if you have questions about hydroponics.
  14. Dr New New

    very new very poor

    It is looking good for the tools you have at your dispoasle.
  15. Dr New New

    How my baby looks ?

    They look good darling. How much longer til you cut it and smoke it.
  16. Dr New New

    seedlings in rockwool

    Uhhh ok well I didn't read everyone elses answers but i had a problem like this once. Believe it or not the seed popped it just was set in sideways and was trying to grow out the side. A simple set of tweezers and some moving around it was right as new. Plus stop using rockwool. Use those brown...
  17. Dr New New

    Ripper Seeds: Double Glock and Grape Gum hydroponic grow.

    Nothing popped today. Maybe tomorrow!!
  18. Dr New New

    Big Budha AutoFem and Delicious Critical Super Silver Haze

    I'm thinking they are going to flower for another 45 to 55 days.
  19. Dr New New

    Big Budha AutoFem and Delicious Critical Super Silver Haze

    I probably should have veg longer? Nothing seems to be getting to much bigger. Sent from my SM-N900V using Rollitup mobile app