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  1. personal lux

    How much does it cost you to produce one pound of herb?

    mongo your about the most ass backwards person ive seen on here. Enjoy my ignore list.
  2. personal lux

    How much does it cost you to produce one pound of herb?

    LOL 3000 a month for 10 on 12/12 and 6 on 18/6 LOL. You need to look up a light cost chart and shut the hell up
  3. personal lux

    How much does it cost you to produce one pound of herb?

    Ill gladly get those test result for you but ill have to get ahold of the testing facility since dispensaries have been shut down here for about a year. No need to test without them.
  4. personal lux

    How much does it cost you to produce one pound of herb?

    Its .13 michigan. Please do tell me how my figures are messed up buddy
  5. personal lux

    How much does it cost you to produce one pound of herb?

    And as for the trimmers its my friends not guys that do it for a living lol. Theyre not trying to run my pockets for every dollar they can.
  6. personal lux

    How much does it cost you to produce one pound of herb?

    Id consider my grow area out of the quation at this point. Its owned and i would chalk it up as an initial start up cost.
  7. personal lux

    How much does it cost you to produce one pound of herb?

    Heres my numbers yearly. Monthly into yearly lights $1500 × 12 = $18000 Nutrients $500 x 12 = $6000 soil $200 x 12 = $2400 Bulbs 16 bulbs 2x yearly 32x70 $2240 So my overhead cost is roughly $30,000 yearly. 6 lights are veg, 10 are flowering. Ill produce perputually 5-7lbs monthly respectively...
  8. personal lux

    How much does it cost you to produce one pound of herb?

    LOL a .1 gram test. Thats a joke. clubs around here want you to have atleast 3 grams tested so your not just taking off the top cola heads and passing it off like the rest is exactly the same.
  9. personal lux

    Is 18 oz a good return for 2 x 600w in soil?

    He got 15 from 1 600 actual. Even still about .7 gpw better than most still.
  10. personal lux

    one of four plants yellowing

    Is the roots loaded with nutes or is it soilless? Because if its loaded you shouldnt be using nutes yet
  11. personal lux

    Yield estimates anybody?

    1/2-1oz lol
  12. personal lux

    T5 lightwave unit distance???

    You want that full pentration of light to your plant to get the best result. When the plants hit a foot in heigth youll see a big difference being a foot away Rather than 4-6 inches. Short Internode spacing is what most are working for.
  13. personal lux

    Is 18 oz a good return for 2 x 600w in soil?

    18 zips under A 600 is a decent job in my honest opinion. Where you messed up on your swcond run was not having large enough containers and too short of veg times. Try again with 10 5-7 gallon pots with 5-6 weeks veg. I think youll hit atleast 3 zips per plant if you managed 18 from 1 600 in 3s...
  14. personal lux

    one of four plants yellowing

    looks like a serious soil PH issue to me. Expect the rest to follow in suit amd start yellowing and burning. Start with phing to 6. Then you might want to try hitting them with some mycos.
  15. personal lux

    Hmmm 3 gal pots?

    Ill say again i think the plant is being over watered. what medium are you using? ocean forest? a lot of people add perlite to it to get better drainage. thats not normal for a plant to be THAT droopy after a watering unless it was droopy before from under watering. Grab a soil hygro meter.
  16. personal lux

    Big bushes indoors vs. sea of green

    Idk about this. my buddy crops out about 8lbs every 10 weeks off a 7 1000 watt set up in 7 gallon ebb n flow pots. With only 12 plants under 4 1000s flowering, 12 under 3 vegging. most anything can be done. But when you wanna stay legal 25-30 per 1000 isnt even reasonable to consider If you want...
  17. personal lux

    Big bushes indoors vs. sea of green

    1 month veg for 1 pound...youve clearly never grown a single plant in your life lol
  18. personal lux

    Hmmm 3 gal pots?

    They look great to me. But if your watering 6 days apart ever for a 5-7 gallon something isnt right. But the one on the far righr appears over watered which makes me assume water is pooling in the bottom.
  19. personal lux

    First dwc, will i get 1g/ww

    Yeah man i hate to say it but i only seen about 5 oz max