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  1. OldGrower

    Step into my grow room

    Will probably get answered here, but this is the thread u want
  2. OldGrower

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Newark discount code. For anyone planning to order from newark before the end of march I received this 15% off code for my last order. So as a thanks to all for the info here is the code THANKS44M Gl all, OG
  3. OldGrower

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Thanks Supra, had not seen the heat sink thread. No sanding how much easier can it get. Thanks for all you help, Og
  4. OldGrower

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    SupraSPL, just a quick question about sanding. Got my vero 10's and heatsinkusa 2.08 and will be using your method for attachment ie kapton tape. So I know to sand the heatsink with 1000 grit do you also sand the back of the vero 10? Also how big of a dab of pk3 goes on the vero 10 before...
  5. OldGrower

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    SupraSPL, here is the link for the 6" molex connectors, the shorter ones are a little cheaper. Thanks again for all the info, OG
  6. OldGrower

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Hey stock, i looked up your power supplies and you are running those vero's very soft. That power supply is 1050ma output I am suprised the killawatt read that high. Those leds should last a real long time if properly heatsinked. Gl OG
  7. OldGrower

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Veg light plan: 8 ea vero 10's 5000k BXRC-50c1000-B-04 ($4.37 ea. from Newark) 3 ea Fasttech led drivers 300 ma 1714902 (1 spare 8.12 ea) 2 ea Heatsinkusa 2.08 heat sinks 36 inches long. 8 ea Molex vero connectors (don't have to solder priceless !.46 ea newark) Will be mounting 4 vero's on...
  8. OldGrower

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    SupraSpl, have been going thru the led threads. Very informative and useful info, thanks for sharing. You mentioned veg lighting and I want to replace my t5's and t8-t12 fixtures with led. They light my moms and I saw you recommend bridgelux 5000k"s. Lost the post and heres what I plan to use...
  9. OldGrower

    6 inch PVC aeroponics tube system

    Do not use molasses you will have big problems with clogging and growing things in the res you do not want to use it. Instead use floralicious from general hydroponics. Start using it at 50ml per 40 gal of res at 3rd week of 12/12 at res change. Increase to two doses at week 6 of flower until end.
  10. OldGrower

    Gay wedding cakes and the bigots who won't bake them.

    Here's my christian view of this, GOD is the judge not us. We are to love our neighbors more than ourselves. Even tho GOD reveals his thoughts on the matter in the bible we are not to judge one another. You are not sinning by baking a cake.
  11. OldGrower

    6 inch PVC aeroponics tube system

    SA, the white hairs will change colors from white to red, orange, brown, etc. wait till most are not white. The best way is to use a 60 to 100x microscope, we get cheap ones at radio shack in the us. Cut off a bud leaf and look at the trichomes. When a majority of the trichomes are cloudy not...
  12. OldGrower

    OG grows CSG GdoggyP and Hortilab SourPower

    Welcome rui, about time I posted a grow log on here. Using a stinkbud type system that I have been growing in for quite a while. I have made a few mods to it over time and really love this system, I used 6 inch tubes with 3 inch net pots. Tubes about 4.5 feet long, 5 sites per tube, 5 tubes...
  13. OldGrower

    6 inch PVC aeroponics tube system

    shnkrmn, thanks for stopping in. No awards needed just trying to give back. Others on the web have helped me greatly. I see a grow log coming on here at rui. OG
  14. OldGrower

    6 inch PVC aeroponics tube system

    Sailaway, glad I could be of some help to you. Below are pics of my current grow just starting. I vegged them some in my cloner then moved them into my unit 8 days ago and they are really taking off. Back farthest plant around 13 inches and shortest is around 10 inches. I went back to the...
  15. OldGrower

    6 inch PVC aeroponics tube system

    Use your own judgement about when to flower them, better a little short the first time than too tall. All those giant colas you see in photos are really just a lot of smaller buds grown together and stacked. Personally thats why I top my plants to two or three shoots, helps spread out the buds...
  16. OldGrower

    6 inch PVC aeroponics tube system

    Yeah SA still checking in from time to time. How long since going to 12/12? Appears to be at 3 weeks or so. They will grow and fill out more as they grow. The lower shaded buds will probably not yield much. Should get buds at every leaf junction. This is where trimming your plants comes into...
  17. OldGrower

    6 inch PVC aeroponics tube system

    Yes bend them over and tie down, try not to break them, the tops will bend pretty easily. That is where strain knowledge comes in, knowing when and at what height to flip to 12/12, finishing height, flowering time, etc. it all comes with experience. GL OG
  18. OldGrower

    6 inch PVC aeroponics tube system

    Hey SA you still hanging in there? All Ok
  19. OldGrower

    storing seeds

    saemskin, I just put them in a sealed jar with minute rice (generic ok) and store in fridge. Try to block light into jar. Rice helps control moisture. 7+ years at 100% germ rate. Gl OG
  20. OldGrower

    6 inch PVC aeroponics tube system

    BB, one out of 4 need to be red 2700k is good. Use the t12's if you got em and save some cash. You can do well with 4 bulbs of t12, they are 40 watt each and spread the light well, OG