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  1. CrazyChester

    Daddy, are we there Yet?

    Ok, I pulled a Fade and took a little sample of this plant. I did a quick dry and toked it up. Goo Shit man. I took two hits at about 7:00 and I'm still buzzed. Not the Couch lock, nor the blast your head off, but a good solid stone that you can still function. I think I'm gonna be happy with...
  2. CrazyChester

    Daddy, are we there Yet?

    Don't tempt me. Snip,snip. I think I'll go sharpen my shears.
  3. CrazyChester

    How Much Longer??!

    How Much Longer? FOREVER!
  4. CrazyChester

    Air conditioner curing?

    I think time plays an important factor in curing. Since chemical changes take place over time. Worth a try though.
  5. CrazyChester

    will seeds last?

    Wow, I have some that are 4 years old that I was going to toss. I'll hang on to them now.
  6. CrazyChester

    It's All Bullsh*t

    I think I under watered mine in the latter stages. I over watered mine in the early stages and almost lost one so I was cheap with the water for the rest of the season. Thanks for the info.
  7. CrazyChester

    My favorite girl's Pics

    Yeah, one of the groups I play with is a 6 piece Jazz group. We play straight ahead jazz and BeBop. If I do some couch lock I can't even read the music. My favorite group is a Rockin' Soul group. I can sometimes pull it off with that group. But I'm always fine with a heady high. Couch lock is...
  8. CrazyChester

    Help my plants got fucked with

    Its like losing a friend.
  9. CrazyChester

    Morning vs afternoon sun question....

    I've always read that pot is a full sun plant. That doesn't mean that it won't grow and produce in partial shade. But it will do better in full sun. Some times you need to plant in a place that has partial sun like between a fence and a building. So you can either plant it next to one...
  10. CrazyChester

    Finally flowering! (PICS)

    Cover em and put some fans out there. To bad you can't put some Christmas lights on them. I've done that on my orange and lemon trees and it really works. In your case it would be like advertising your plants. "Come to the Quickie Mart and steal my Pot".
  11. CrazyChester

    $th week flowering(pics)

    Good thinking I over fed mine and it yellowed and dropped most of it shade leaves.
  12. CrazyChester

    Daddy, are we there Yet?

    Could be bugs but I think I might have given it a little bit to much chicken shit a couple weeks ago and I should have given it bloom buster instead. I thought a little more N might get the veg going a little bit. I've cut out the nutes since it began loosing the shade leaves. It also might...
  13. CrazyChester

    My favorite girl's Pics

    Its a good thing I'm to toasted to find my shears.
  14. CrazyChester

    My favorite girl's Pics

    I've been tempted to snip a little and titch it off but I'm gonna be patient. I saw Fdd's thread about sampling but I know I'd be cutting and microwaveing like a MoFo in couple of days once I got started. So I'll wait till its ready and cure it properly.
  15. CrazyChester

    Daddy, are we there Yet?

    Thanks again Fdd. Next year I'll buy some seed from a heady strain. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  16. CrazyChester

    My favorite girl's Pics

    Thanks Fdd I'll take your advise. I'm being anal about getting an upper pot because couch lock pot is always available to me from local growers I know. I hate taking a couple hits between sets and then spacing out about 3 songs into the next set. You know, when you count off the song like...
  17. CrazyChester

    Daddy, are we there Yet?

    When I Scoped this one with my new 100X scope, all trics were milky and about 10% were amber. Like I said before I'm looking for something to hit on between sets at gigs. Something that will make my fingers fly over the frets.
  18. CrazyChester

    My favorite girl's Pics

    I got one of those 100X lighted Radio Shack microscopes today and checked out my plants. The plant in this thread has almost all milky trics and when I checked the scope out after I finished it was sticky as hell. Like someone put some honey on it. And it smells GREAT. I know everyone says give...
  19. CrazyChester

    sulfur as an outdoor pesticide or repellant

    Probably make your weed smell like farts when burned.
  20. CrazyChester

    My Nice little grow 7 plants !!!!PICTURES!!!!

    I think what they find from the air is used to get a warrant to search your house. If they find anything during the search the chopper pigs can then be used as witnesses. That's how it worked for a friend of mine in Benicia, CA.