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  1. Green Mean martian

    What bennys are best

    Let me know I was thinking of actually changing mammoth out for tribus After talking to the reps it sounds like it really is a better version of that product and then I was just looking for the Benny’s because according to the representative it’s not really a beneficial soup which is why I was...
  2. Green Mean martian

    What bennys are best

    Agreed I’m of the same mind which is why I don’t mind overdoing it I figured it be better to overdo it a little then under do it since it will do no harm
  3. Green Mean martian

    What bennys are best

    But I’m really open to education and learning and if I don’t have to use all of them I would love to save the money I was thinking that I was just going to use tribus in place of Mammoth which will save me literally $100 and trying to find a substitute for advanced nutrients
  4. Green Mean martian

    What bennys are best

    From reading I’ve found that the beneficial bacteria helps the route mass so much that increases nutrient uptake and increases yield by a substantial amount which is why am using all of them I felt that they all had different purposes the voodoo , turantula and Mycos for diff Benny’s , And...
  5. Green Mean martian

    What bennys are best

    Ill try the same.. Any noticeable differences from doing it
  6. Green Mean martian

    What bennys are best

    Thanks again for all your input sorry ..I’m a little new at all this and trying to find time to do enough studying incredible amount of studying that’s needed for this but anyway thanks guys for any cheat sheets
  7. Green Mean martian

    What bennys are best

    That’s what I’ve been doing for most of the Benny’s is just using them for the first 2 to 3 weeks of flowerr in the course all of veg ...I didn’t know that about carbo load him I’ll make sure to continue some sort of a carbo feed during the downtime is when not using the Benny’s they’ve just...
  8. Green Mean martian

    What bennys are best

    Oh thanks :/
  9. Green Mean martian

    What bennys are best

    I would love to find out your feedback thanks so much tired of wasting so much money on these Benny’s I’m definitely going to switch out the mammoth P for tribus...Talk to the representative and it sounds like it’s an exact replica of mammoth P again they wouldn’t say that but for half the price...
  10. Green Mean martian

    What bennys are best

    With this be more of a replacer for the mammoth P
  11. Green Mean martian

    What bennys are best

    What results have you had and will it be a beneficial bacteria as well as a root protector which is why I was using both the voodoo and the tarantula
  12. Green Mean martian

    What bennys are best

    I’m sure this topic has been touched on before but I would like to find out what beneficial bacteria recipes are best currently I’m using mammoth P, mycos and AN voodoo and tarantula... bass nutrients are mega crop .. very new to this brand as I am in a Ad nutrient grower but I’m wanting to...
  13. Green Mean martian

    Ph change in run off???

    Just started feeding them this morning connoisseur A&b with advanced Bennys phd to 5.8 only bringing up my PPM’s to about 250 and I’ll slowly move up from there .. my run off now is it 6.5 after using the buffers seven solution last night and then bringing my pH level down to 5.8 It’s working...
  14. Green Mean martian

    Ph change in run off???

    Make sense... having a blank canvas and being able to put in your own specific nutrient soup with the results you want is probably best I’ll see how this Coco Loco does for me and I probably will try Doing pure coco if i go this route again. Thanks!
  15. Green Mean martian

    Ph change in run off???

    Just curious but why... ive heard a ton of good reviews revolving rounf cocoloco... I already bought a bunch of loco for this grow
  16. Green Mean martian

    Ph change in run off???

    No actually I work in an Alzheimer’s unit and one of the residence was an artist there and I’ve taken pictures of his work
  17. Green Mean martian

    Ph change in run off???

    Sounds good man thanks.. Figured I’d try a couple styles first and see what suits me best
  18. Green Mean martian

    Ph change in run off???

    I was thinking about trying pro mix next I’ve seen some videos on YouTube with awesome results .. I’ll try doing what you said first and see if I can level out the pH it might be something with my ro water and my meter reading wrong when there’s no salts in the water
  19. Green Mean martian

    Ph change in run off???

    I do I have both the buffer 4.0 ph and 7.0ph i’ll definitely try that . What would be the reason for an increase in pH the plants don’t look that unhealthy I’m definitely going to lower the pH now I read somewhere that it could be between 6.1 6.5 at the beginning which is why I did what I did...
  20. Green Mean martian

    Ph change in run off???

    OK I’ll drop my pH down to 5.9 I’m using advanced nutrients connoisseur with voodoo and B-52 Why would my run off PH be raised so much I have only used the nutrients one time I’ll go ahead and bump it up the current run off PPM’s are at 300 I figured I’d wait to the PPM‘s are down to 100 or...