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  1. PatchKid

    Easy DIY Homemade water chiller for RDWC

    Sweet! Will def keep that in mind My res stays 66 degrees and stays getting slammed with o2 and gets Dutch master zone routine and roots are pearls with extremely good growth Looking into Heisenberg tea
  2. PatchKid

    Easy DIY Homemade water chiller for RDWC

    Thanks for the awesome reply!!! Yes I used bennies before they work great! I guess this is more for people who run a sterile res !
  3. PatchKid

    Time to stop feeding?

    some people claim a big difference in taste I wouldn't be one to tell you though I've never grown 2 of the same plants one flushed and one nof
  4. PatchKid

    Time to stop feeding?

    water and molasses at beginning of week 7 is what I always did in soil nice job training her too it worked out great
  5. PatchKid

    1000 watts, one plant, Critical KUSH 1LB goal

    lol well my fans are really quiet man they aren't loud at all and they go off when the lights go off which is 10 pm I usually don't sleep till after that! I was reading a thread and saw where you said one of your plants got like within inches of the bulb and you had to tie it down 1.) how...
  6. PatchKid

    1000 watts, one plant, Critical KUSH 1LB goal

    yeah man but they only get up to like 80 tops and my res stays cold. that's like 18 inches from the canopy lol I could probably back it to like 2 feet away if I wanted too I just hope it's not like overkill you know? like I'm in a 4x2 space. would that 1000 watt be a big difference or will my...
  7. PatchKid

    1000 watts, one plant, Critical KUSH 1LB goal

    Hey guys I decided to start a new thread for my grow because I have changed pretty much every variable from number of plants, to ventilation, to lighting, etc. So I figured I would just open a thread thread and welcome anyone who wasn't watching before :) My new setup is a single plant 5 gallon...
  8. PatchKid

    Mars II Barneys Farm Critial Kush and G13 Haze

    Threw all my lights I have in there today and temps ante still stable at 75 with my ventilation setup I now have a lot of positive pressure so it helps I guess..... Gonna go pick up a 1000 watt HPS at the grow shop and set it up by itself in there and do a test run and see if I can handle it I...
  9. PatchKid

    Mars II Barneys Farm Critial Kush and G13 Haze

    yeah man I got like 20 clones off of her :) still gotta do some pruning I guess
  10. PatchKid

    Mars II Barneys Farm Critial Kush and G13 Haze

    suhweet man you're gonna love it it works crazy good for veg I've never seen plants with such tight nodes than with LED I've got a lot of canopy here lol it's day 2 of 12/12 should I trim it up? what do you guys think
  11. PatchKid

    Trading Marijuana stocks

    Hmm I have not myself but I can imagine that it wouldn't be a horrible Idea to do so especially given your history!!
  12. PatchKid

    Mars II Barneys Farm Critial Kush and G13 Haze

    its a bare bulb I just have a fan blowing over it and my exhaust sucks it out... I vent into my room too not into my attic or anything. Stay about 75 degrees with the LED in there I open my window and the freezing (fresh) air from outside gets blown into the tent... blows down near my res too...
  13. PatchKid

    Mars II Barneys Farm Critial Kush and G13 Haze

    lmao! that's hilarious man but I'm glad it worked out no locksmith is ever coming near my tent lol hers a couple of pics of day 1 12/12
  14. PatchKid

    Can you just add up the amount of light?

    depends on that amount of plants ;)
  15. PatchKid

    Easy DIY Homemade water chiller for RDWC

    well dang I didn't think of that I searched its little and read copper is essential to plant life so I didn't know if a small bit like this would hurt too much. thank you for the info do you think it would be better have a higher temp res 77-80, or to have a 65 degree constant res that uses...
  16. PatchKid

    First Aeroponic grow... over complicating nutes?

    yeah thats a lot of stuff lol I just use flora duo, cal mag, rapid start, and some big up powder when bloom comes around
  17. PatchKid

    Mars II Barneys Farm Critial Kush and G13 Haze

    lol dude that cracks me up I put the HPS back in there cause my res temps are staying in the 60s no matter what the ambient temp is and she is absolutely loving it almost every leaf has perked back up and there is new growth everywhere!
  18. PatchKid

    Easy DIY Homemade water chiller for RDWC

    I ended up just buying a 25 dollar cooler from walmart its bigger and holds more water and ice for days at a time but I gotta be careful now cause it was getting my water in the low 50's which I don't want them to get that low just an average of around like 68 degrees F so I hooked it up to a...
  19. PatchKid

    Mars II Barneys Farm Critial Kush and G13 Haze

    haha thanks guys!!! It works great I would highly recommend using something like this for single bucket grows or even 2-3 buckets