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  1. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    This thread is turning out to be a good study of sophistry. Proof of government paid disinfo agents/trolls!
  2. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    The proof that 9/11 was an inside job is crushing too.
  3. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    Regarding the photos in post #100... Photos are fakable. Something that's fakable can't be used as absolute proof as it might have been faked.
  4. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    If you ever meet anyone who really thinks the Earth is flat, have him or her watch some of these videos.
  5. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    What we were told was happening wasn't necessarily what was really happening. Have you read Chomsky's analysis of the cold war? It sounds like you people are basing your opinions on the official version of everything. Here's some info...
  6. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying? (excerpts) --------------------------------------------- Q: Why do prominent astronomers like Sir Bernard Lovell and Patrick Moore support the Moon landings if they were faked? A: Scientists and astronomers around the globe...
  7. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    In a vacuum no movement would be consistent with its being hit by a wall of air. It would take ground vibration, or static electricity attracting it, or its being hit by something. Tell us what you think makes the flag move.
  8. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    These anomalies that show the footage was taken in air pretty much close the whole case. Apollo 15 Rover Traverse Issue (Be sure to watch at the 3:13 time mark) The bumpy ride causes the flaps to go up but air is keeping them from coming back down. This would explain why it looks like...
  9. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    I'd forgotten about this thread. I just came across it again by accident. Here's some more stuff I've found since my last post. AMERICAN MOON, 2017 Moon Hoax; "Apollo; Hoax Of The 20th Century"...
  10. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    You people seem to be trying to bury my posts (#55, #56, and #57) so here's the link to them.
  11. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    ...continued But, in fact, it's always prossible to prove an untruth! Look at the man standing next to you in line. Does he have one billion dollars in pennies in his pocket? Is it impossible to prove he does not? Is a banana blue? Is it impossible to prove a banana is not blue? Is 2 plus 2...
  12. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    ...continued And there is a particularly significant direction to view the issue of the "moon landing". Rather than deal with the standard arguments provided against the possibility of the "moon landing" being real, the question can be asked just how uncontestable is the "evidence" that a...
  13. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    Look what I came across. This guy doesn't put forth any of the proof that the missions were faked but he shows very clearly that there's no proof that the missios were real. Here's some of the proof that the missions were faked for those who haven't seen it...
  14. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    I got banned from the Clavius forum years ago. I snuck back in yesterday and did some posting. They knew it was me right away but I was able to do some serious posting before I got banned again and they didn't delete the stuff I posted. Here it is. I used the username "Scott"...
  15. J

    The US Government Planned and Carried Out the 9/11 Attacks

    The lunar landings were faked alright. Here's a post I made on that on another thread.
  16. J

    The US Government Planned and Carried Out the 9/11 Attacks

    If someone were to try to come forward, the press wouldn't report it. Check out this info on the media.
  17. J

    The US Government Planned and Carried Out the 9/11 Attacks

    Here's some more relevant info. 9/11 Gatekeepers and Controlled Opposition Solving 911 Christopher Bollyn 1of2 - PDX 9/11 Truth Solving 9/11 2of2 - Christopher Bollyn PDX 9/11 Truth
  18. J

    The US Government Planned and Carried Out the 9/11 Attacks

    I looked for a "9/11 Was an Inside Job" thread but I couldn't find one so I'm starting this one. This video is a pretty good summary of all the important inside job proof. If the YouTube links don't work, do YouTube searches on the titles. September 11 -- The New Pearl Harbor (FULL) Listen...
  19. J

    Is NASA stupid, or are they lying?

    I was going to start a thread on this topic but I did a search and found this thread. Here's some info I found that proves the moon missions were faked in a studio.