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  1. BobCajun

    Day 16 of GG AUTO ! is it stunted ? Help needed ! Will post complete diary !

    I said ppm not pH though, two completely different things. Ppm is the salts concentration, pH is the acidity/alkalinity.
  2. BobCajun

    Why is defoliation so controversial?

    Yeah those buds were crappy as hell, it's mostly leaf. That Guerrero Gold is the worst bud I've ever seen. Who bought that crud huh? I can see why they called it "grass" in those days. Thank goodness for Indica hybrids. Not pure Indica, because the smell was not good and the buds too leafy and...
  3. BobCajun

    Why is defoliation so controversial?

    Oh yeah, valid point. Okay, my advice is to trim rather than defol, because all it does is set the plant back about a week while it refols.
  4. BobCajun

    Day 16 of GG AUTO ! is it stunted ? Help needed ! Will post complete diary !

    How is it still 65 ppm if it's RO? Using a ZeroWater deionizing filter pitcher makes it 000 PPM, they include a salts meter with the pitcher. I think you need to change the membranes or whatever, or it's leaking around the membranes, something is obviously wrong.
  5. BobCajun

    New Hash Making Method

    I doubt if anywhere near all of it gets dissolved. I actually mashed the bud up pretty good with the hydroxide solution and got next to nothing. I used potassiom hydroxide though, maybe sodium works better. But fresh material is just too bulky. It makes more sense to dry it out and extract it...
  6. BobCajun

    Why is defoliation so controversial?

    I just take the really big ones off that are shading buds below them. Ones near the tops that are shading buds I just cut the ends of the leaves off to expose the shaded buds to light, like about the outer half of the leaflets usually. Better to leave half of a leaf than to take the whole thing...
  7. BobCajun

    The "you tell me when its time to harvest" thread!

    That is a garbage strain/pheno. You got snaked by a crappy seed mill, it happens a lot these days. Either that or the excessive heat screwed up its growth pattern making it look like hell. It might be smokable but it sure won't be enjoyable. How long will it take? I don't know probably 2 more...
  8. BobCajun

    New Hash Making Method

    There's actually a separate forum for "concentrates and extracts", it's just way down the list. I tried using hydroxide on fresh buds before and nothing reacted even with heat, but I didn't grind them up first. How did you grind fresh bud, with a blender? It works if you make extract, like with...
  9. BobCajun

    Blue berry indooor grow

    Exactly, which is why nobody should ever use fluorescents. But it's personal choice, if you like HID then they certainly do work. I've used them in the past but just find LED far preferable.
  10. BobCajun

    Blue berry indooor grow

    That's a good idea, very reflective metal. I'm sure the 60w ones would last longer than the 100s, which get quite hot, just you would need more sockets. You can also get a "splitter" to make one socket into several. Looks cheaper than buying individual sockets or bathroom fixtures. link
  11. BobCajun

    Blue berry indooor grow

    Yes but CMH bulbs have mercury in them, which is toxic, what if one breaks sometime? And it's also all concentrated in one small arc tube so you need to try to spread it out with reflectors. Same with HPS, except I don't think they contain mercury. Anything with an arc in it is going to get hot...
  12. BobCajun

    Blue berry indooor grow

    But when did he say it was 100w equivalent lightbulbs? He just said "100 watt LED". But 100w equivalent means 14 watts so it's really 140 watts of LED, which isn't much, considerably different from "1000 watts". Now that he posted a pic I can see that's exactly what it is. For some reason he put...
  13. BobCajun

    Day 16 of GG AUTO ! is it stunted ? Help needed ! Will post complete diary !

    No, but I can say water leaking out the sides, overly humid air in the room and medium drying out too fast. Is it worth all that for air pruned roots? If it was a tree that would be growing for years then maybe, but a weed plant that will be growing for a few months, doubt it would help much...
  14. BobCajun

    Day 16 of GG AUTO ! is it stunted ? Help needed ! Will post complete diary !

    Actually come to think of it you could just put the cloth bags inside plastic bags instead of changing from one to the other, like small white garbage bags, holes in the bottom.
  15. BobCajun

    Hemp oil with too high THC%

    If you dilute it with another oil then it won't be hemp oil anymore, it will be partial hemp oil. Just tell him no, you can't get the THC out, sorry.
  16. BobCajun

    Dry Ice Hash: THE BOMB

    Yeah but dry ice is problematic to get and handle isn't it? Can't really store it or anything. That's the whole problem right there, just not convenient to do.
  17. BobCajun

    Day 16 of GG AUTO ! is it stunted ? Help needed ! Will post complete diary !

    You don't just water a little bit aroud the plants, you water until the whole pot is saturated and some runs out. That's why nutes are building up to toxic levels. Also you don't use those cloth bags because water will run out through the sides, they will make the room humid and they will dry...
  18. BobCajun

    Blue berry indooor grow

    That don't look like 1000 watts of LED, are you sure you didn't screw up when you made your own lights?
  19. BobCajun

    Blue berry indooor grow

    Yeah I've seen some bad reviews of that company, though not of Blueberry specifically that I recall. Actually I just checked their site and they don't sell pure Blueberry, just some crosses, hopefully yours will be okay. Seeds are a real crap shoot these days, crap in more ways than one. The...
  20. BobCajun

    Blue berry indooor grow

    But what seed company's version of Blueberry? I got a version from Pyramid Seeds and it was not particularly good, in fact it was not even worth keeping growing. These days there's a horde of companies that spring up, mostly in UK and Spain, where it's legal to sell seeds, who just crank out...