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  1. guynotreal

    Classic case of over-watering?

    nice! never thought to use clear cups, totally doing that for now on! Question is, should I move my two strugglers tho?
  2. guynotreal

    Classic case of over-watering?

    thank you, learned my lesson on that one. Buddy of mine yelled at me and told me to move them back to smaller cups but I don't want to add additional stress. Hoping to get more feedback to figure out what to do.
  3. guynotreal

    Classic case of over-watering?

    lights schedule: 18 hours on, 6 hours off. 9am-3pm lights off.
  4. guynotreal

    Classic case of over-watering?

    Hello fellow growers! I am worried about a few seedlings of mine. This is my first grow, and this may be a classic case of over-watering which seems to be a common noob issue. Over watering is on my mind constantly, but I feel that I water them as little as possible (without complete neglect of...