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  1. G

    Old smoker - 1st grow - still have a few weeks i think?

    They're raised all the way up for the last few weeks. They're at 24 inches above the 2 taller plants and 36 inches above the 2 shorter plants. I'm using Photone on my phone to measure PAR and DLI now. Before I knew about Photone, there's no doubt the intensity was way too strong when the lights...
  2. G

    Old smoker - 1st grow - still have a few weeks i think?

    Thanks...yeah, it looks like the 2 smaller girls will be done first. It may be 6 weeks or so for the leafy queen. She started fast but slowed down to a crawl and then just exploded with new growth after a couple weeks of nothing. The tip burn is old I think. You can see it starting in these...
  3. G

    Old smoker - 1st grow - still have a few weeks i think?

    Thanks, I was thinking probably about a month on 3 of them and 5-6 weeks on the last one. And yep....running 800 watts in a I crazy? I wanted wall to wall coverage and probably way overdid But the lights were cheap enough at $50 a pop so I bought a few extras. And one good...
  4. G

    Old smoker - 1st grow - still have a few weeks i think?

    Thanks...I try to do most things without too much hand holding but homework can only get you so reaching out to those with more experience. Yeah from what I understand, different phenos with autos are very common. Mine are all from the same batch of seeds. Here's some bud and trich...
  5. G

    Old smoker - 1st grow - still have a few weeks i think?

    Yeah, I wanted to go the fem route for clones but the electric situation here is iffy. Outages are getting more frequent every year here and I've had the lights not come back on after the power comes back on...breaker trips going with autos for now. Going to relocate in next year so...
  6. G

    Old smoker - 1st grow - still have a few weeks i think?

    Thanks for the reply - much appreciated (: Here's the rundown - let me know if I left anything out. Seeds were ILGM GG4 auto. 1. AC Infinity 3x3x7. 2. 4 x Unit Farm UFS3000 (1 per plant @ 200 true watts each) - 15/9 light cycle. 3. Black Gold Natural and Organic potting mix in 5 gal fabric...
  7. G

    Old smoker - 1st grow - still have a few weeks i think?

    Hi everyone, have four gg4 autos going into mid-late flower - day 73 since breaking ground - day 37 of flower. They all started at same time but one looks like it will finish a couple weeks after the rest. Have been reading a lot on the different boards trying to absorb all I can to make sure...
  8. G

    Why do my sprouts look so sick n deformed?!

    I've only grown outdoors in the past and that's been awhile. I have my first indoor grow going now so in the process of figuring out what's going to work for me. I use RO here too. I think I'm done mixing chemical nutes, measuring ph, etc. I was using them on my current grow starting from veg...
  9. G

    Why do my sprouts look so sick n deformed?!

    Earth Dust is a blend of microbes and organic nutes similar to Gaia Green but less expensive and it includes the microbes in the mix to get you started where Gaia Green doesn't. Check out The Green Sunshine Company website. I'll be starting a run of GG4 autos with it soon. The soil has been...