Search results

  1. jm 420

    4x4 or 4x8?

    yes perpetual,its 2 -3poumds a month strain depending ,my setup is pretty detailed,but i run extreme;)
  2. jm 420

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    interesting thread ....but i'll stick to my 2lbs every 30 daze :)
  3. jm 420

    Got guns?

    sw 357revolver,and sw 9mm ,1911 semi in my crib
  4. jm 420

    4x4 or 4x8?

    i run 6 big plants in a 4x8x7 under 2k and pull40-50 oz evey 30-35 daze iveg about 40 daze heres a couple blue dreams at 3weeks or so 12/12
  5. jm 420

    forgot about riu

    more recent than that lol, long story zoot runs z-labs where i kept all my reference pics heard he was lurking over here
  6. jm 420

    my little grow

    4sd and the proper way to install a water tite floor
  7. jm 420

    my little grow

    first pic susq,2nd pics 4sd
  8. jm 420

    forgot about riu

    ask zoot lol, 2 years of pics gone as far as i know
  9. jm 420

    Gorilla Bubble from Tonygreens Tortured Beans

    good looking girls tg
  10. jm 420

    was up lynn

    was up lynn
  11. jm 420

    Zoot Zooted checking in

    heard carls got his ticket
  12. jm 420

    my little grow

    5 stage ro with 48 gallon rez
  13. jm 420

    forgot about riu

    see some familiar faces i'll be around more often,since i wasted alot of time and energy elsewhere,i'll try to retreive some pics to show what ive been up to ,unfortunately most were destroyed by a new membere here :(
  14. jm 420

    my little grow

  15. jm 420

    my little grow

    2 1k gavitas 5x8room advanced
  16. jm 420

    my little grow

    susq 4sd x cdd
  17. jm 420

    my little grow

    blue dream
  18. jm 420

    my little grow

    we'll start with apricot cush
  19. jm 420

    my little grow

    we'll start with apricot cush
  20. jm 420

    Zoot Zooted checking in

    welcome aboard