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  1. Thc247

    Regular Autopot or the XL for Coco

    i would say use clay balls / pebbles in bottoms thou
  2. Thc247

    The UK Growers Thread!

    13 weeks from seed is gonna be pushing it imo gettin them finnished in time cant u grab any cuts mate im sure if all the lads pulled together you could get ya sum cuts and be sure they gonna be finnished in that time
  3. Thc247

    First time grow/ Scrog help

    well mate at least you can easily put your finger on where you went wrong and how long was you tucking under into 12/12 i would say first 5-7 days continue to train and then let them go but this also depends on every users situation i think they will prob stretch an inch - 2 but you will know...
  4. Thc247

    First time grow/ Scrog help

    they didnt stretch any more than u can see but when i first flipped the tent looked empty and it soon filled up
  5. Thc247

    can the stump be reused

    i have re vegged many times you can even take a cut of the plant when trimming and root it into a rooter plug put under veg light and it will root and reveg it will grow lots of funny looking leaves and then over about 4-6 weeks will start showing normal growth i will try find a few pics of sum...
  6. Thc247

    First time grow/ Scrog help

    was there any reason for the switch as i use canna and really cant say a bad word about them
  7. Thc247

    First time grow/ Scrog help

    here was my first scrog and i thought i flipped to earlie but actually vegged a bit to long if anything but come harvest i was delighted also i had a lot of spaces here that i didnt train the plants as good as i wanted but like i said harvest time i was not complaining at all and learnt alot...
  8. Thc247

    First time grow/ Scrog help

    anyway mate like i said its your first attempt and you havnt actually got problems there its looking decent your just nit picking to find a problem all you might see come harvest is that you prob could of done even better than you have but i really dont think your gonna be un happy there but def...
  9. Thc247

    Pot sizes?

    you can go what ever way you want i have many times potted rooters into 15-20 litre pots and had excellent results.In my experience i have noticed if you gradually pot up allowing the roots to fill out the stages of pots you will get more explosive growth and my best yielders have been plants...
  10. Thc247

    First time grow/ Scrog help

    also when you harvest if you keep the strain you can learn where you could of done better and ammend it to get better but tbh i think your worrying for nothing i like to keep my plants small and i think your going to of got a better harvest there compared to if you didnt use the net at all and...
  11. Thc247

    First time grow/ Scrog help

    dont remove the screen mate they will stretch for about another week - 10 days normally but will continue to grow throughout mate if i was u i wud try lower net a couple inches and pull the tops up if u can but either way mate even if they dont stretch much that net will still add much needed...
  12. Thc247

    First time grow/ Scrog help

    i was refering to the size of his buds but dont really see the need for posting that pic really
  13. Thc247

    First time grow/ Scrog help

    looks like a decent harvest but not exactly a scrog is it or have u removed the scrog ?
  14. Thc247

    First time grow/ Scrog help

    likewise i think you will have a nice harvest there too for ya first taste of doing ya own thing and it only gets better from here on in
  15. Thc247

    Buds growing slow

    i would like to know the dried weight here and at a guess i reckon you might have a baller there when dried and cured let us know thou
  16. Thc247

    First time grow/ Scrog help

    my thoughts too can u lower screen and help the tops through a bit as it looks good to me for first attempt and even if they dont stretch loads u will still have a very nice even canopy there and imo i have seen a lot lot worse canopys even with experienced growers mate dont knock your self
  17. Thc247

    First time grow/ Scrog help

    its day 14 of 12/12 ? it will still stretch some in next week but i cant see much stretch there for 2 weeks in
  18. Thc247

    First time grow/ Scrog help

    all strains are different hey even the same strain but dif pheno's are different and unless you or sum 1 else has grown it b4 but mostly they can double up your pics look ok to me and those buds will stretch nice into that scrog just try to keep lights close as u can without burning the tops
  19. Thc247

    Crystal sugar tubes

    sweet mate really nice plant
  20. Thc247

    Crystal sugar tubes

    looks fire that and as stated all buds cover over in trichs but this pic looks super frosty however it does look like its got sum to go yet imo