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  1. sarah22

    stoned and thinkin about 12/21/2012

    you've heard about another stone? i was just thinking that the other day...haha. it was one of those weird thoughts that float into my head while blazing. i just thought..."what if theres a second stone?" haha. and you're right...that would make a GREAT tshirt! :D
  2. sarah22

    So what's with all the earthquakes and killer whale attacks?

    as far as i know...the earthquakes are supposed to be completely normal. that yes, the 8.8 was a big quake but not outside the realm of "normal" i think that the reason it seems a bigger deal is because of the equipment we have now, and the speed at which we can get that information online. and...
  3. sarah22

    stoned and thinkin about 12/21/2012

    you know what i was thinking about the other day? what if theres a 2nd piece of stone that starts on dec 22 2012? lol...and we just havent found it yet? lol could you imagine? haha. i think that like you said, either way, its a good time to be alive. i dont worry about it because i just trust...
  4. sarah22

    The 'supernatural'

    hehe im not comfortable with the idea of anything being up my ass...especially a 2X4 ;-) and sometimes, im afraid a lot of people get those things stuck right up can always tell...they walk funny. :lol: hahaha
  5. sarah22

    what strain suits you wth sleep?

    as far as sleep...northern lights was nice. i really like the SourD that i have at the moment too. the strongest bud i've smoked is the stuff i've grown myself...i think that my favourites were blueberry, NL, widow, and juicy fruit.
  6. sarah22

    The 'supernatural'

    ah. i dont make that mistake. im going to go to university for sciences. not to try and prove any of this though, lol. i want to do other things. i like chemistry and the prospect of blowing up lab tables :D haha have a good night, thank you for the discussion :hug:
  7. sarah22

    The 'supernatural'

    hahaha who sees this as an accepted science? do you know people who think that this is measurable by science? :shock: i know that its not scientific...not even close. i can barely explain how my weird events even come to happen in the first place. then to try and explain them in a way others can...
  8. sarah22

    The 'supernatural'

    people tend to be afraid of things that they dont understand. and even more fearful of things that they cant understand and cant control. and im not in any way saying anyone here is just making a generalization. personal experiences are sometimes very frightening. its easier to...
  9. sarah22

    The 'supernatural'

    i've never heard of that before, sounds interesting. ;-)
  10. sarah22

    The 'supernatural'

    why would you even bother starting this discussion? simply to argue that you're right and im wrong? go ahead hun, if you think that you're right, by all means think that you're right. im not here to try and change your mind, like you are very obviously trying to do with me. many things in life...
  11. sarah22

    The 'supernatural'

    no. i dont know what you're trying to say. every person on this planet is capable of doing these things. these "normal" people you speak of can do it too. its not a gift, its not a power, its simply a learned skill just like singing or painting or woodworking. the more you practise the better...
  12. sarah22

    The 'supernatural'

    i dont know, but im getting them too, and i think that im missing some of the content of his posts :(
  13. sarah22

    The 'supernatural'

    i wasnt imagining my father, i was attempting to locate my friends father. :roll: and i'd like to edit to add...that its not like i was just randomly thinking about her dad. there was a problem and immediately i tried to see if i could gain any extra information via meditation. i wasnt thinking...
  14. sarah22

    The 'supernatural'

    i dont have any special powers. nothing i've talked about doing or have done is in any way "special" or "powerful". everyone is capable of doing these things. everyone. and at what point would you start to think something is strange or odd? if you had these "spooky" things..coincidences, if you...
  15. sarah22

    The 'supernatural'

    aww well thank you :hug:
  16. sarah22

    The 'supernatural'

    i never said i was a skilled psychic lol. im not one of those people that can just pull info out of thin air. that takes a lot of time and practise and i dont have that kind of patience. but one instance, was back in the summer...a friend of mine...her dad had a breakdown. he wrote a letter to...
  17. sarah22

    The 'supernatural'

    lol...lots of ugly girls. or as i affectionately call them...uggos. haha. im one of them, so i dont feel bad about using the term. thats not exactly what i look my avatar. its just my face, and the picture was taken with strategic camera angles so its harder to tell that im fat...
  18. sarah22

    The 'supernatural'

    i do have a mental health disorder, but its not psychosis. none of my doctors in any way thought i was psychotic and i discussed these things with them. im classified as "borderline" which essentially means they dont really know exactly whats wrong. but they were clear with me that they did not...
  19. sarah22

    The 'supernatural'

    my IQ is in the near gifted range. somewhere between 135 and 140. i have psychic experiences daily. im not putting that out there to make myself sound smart or brag or any shit like that, im just using it as an demonstrate that certain beliefs do not signify lack of intellect...
  20. sarah22

    Religious views

    i think that i would classify myself as agnostic. or simply just spiritual. i dont buy into religion. i think that its just a means to control people through fear. i do however, believe that there is more to the universe than what we perceive with our physical senses. my personal theory is that...