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  1. Homie Da Clown

    HLG 65

    I mentioned that to him earlier. This exact same model you recommended. From what friends I got, they are extremely happy with theirs. One guy replaced his lights wit 20+ of the 240 Qb’s I would like 4- 480 watts, and 2 of the 240’s. That would be 2400 watts. I’m trying to replace 4-1000 watt...
  2. Homie Da Clown

    HLG 65

    Just picked me up a new toy. The Etherdose duo. ETHERDOSE DUO Fertilizer Injection System [STANDARD KIT] Item may be a factory refurbished unit or brand new old stock.! Did you ever wonder how your reservoir’s EC, PH, and temperature fluctuates during the day, week or month? Maybe you are...
  3. Homie Da Clown

    HLG 65

    Again I’m not saying that osram is a inferior product. I’m only saying that once you understand the differences in LED tech, it doesn’t matter who built and sold the light. It matters what options you use, and what growing situation you need. And lastly, I can buy a ps4 with a 128 gh hard drive...
  4. Homie Da Clown

    HLG 65

    Yes you are correct. Just about the same as every other light company does. My comment is not to put down that distributor but to only make it understood that we can go around the middle man.
  5. Homie Da Clown

    HLG 65

    They say 10 days. But who knows with the Corona virus. I just wanted you to know about the pricing difference so you can make the best educated guess when purchasing a light.
  6. Homie Da Clown

    HLG 65

    You mean this one before he slaps a sticker on it and calls it CRX SUNNY.
  7. Homie Da Clown

    First hydro what am I doing wrong

    No a 1000 watts is fine. They look good.
  8. Homie Da Clown

    HLG 65

    I also call bullshit that budget led designed anything but a bullshit script to bring in sales. Go around them if they gonna sell Chinese knock-offs without at least telling ya.
  9. Homie Da Clown

    HLG 65

    They buy those lights off of alibaba and then mark them up and resell them. I can get that 500 watt light for 250 on alibaba. With Cree far reds instead of the cheeper ones.
  10. Homie Da Clown

    HLG 65

    Led tech has came along way, but big agricultural hasn’t moved from DE Gavitas to LEDs. Why? The bud from gavitas compared to bud from a lot of LEDs lack size and density. I was gonna switch out lights but bought a mini-split instead. I’m gonna buy one HLG 650r and compare it side by side with...
  11. Homie Da Clown

    HLG 65

    Buy you a kingbrite 240 watt Light from Alibaba for 220. It will take almost 3 weeks to get, but your gonna get the most bang for your buck. When you want to add more light, you just buy another one.
  12. Homie Da Clown

    First hydro what am I doing wrong

    My hydro system is flood. I feed every 2 hours for 15 mins. The importance of flooding every 2 hrs isn’t to feed them multiple times as it’s to replenish the o2 in the Buckets more frequently. The best method being dwc, is because of the Super oxygenated water from 1.5 lpm and higher. They do...
  13. Homie Da Clown

    First hydro what am I doing wrong

    Well it was 5 years ago. I got my humidifier and dehumidifiers. I think I might have got some fertilizer as well as my first clone humidity dome and light. Then overstock I bought my first hood with light, as well as other miscellaneous grow stuff.
  14. Homie Da Clown

    First hydro what am I doing wrong

    Well the timers I have are all cheap timers. And they have fucked up before. These days I use a 8 plug 240 watt light light controller, as well as a Autopilot that controls everything else. They were not cheap, but I don’t like to worry. Every crop, replace one thing, or upgrade one thing. It’s...
  15. Homie Da Clown

    First hydro what am I doing wrong

    What ankle weights?
  16. Homie Da Clown

    First hydro what am I doing wrong

    Do u not have a timer bro? Fuck if you don’t I send you one! I would hate for you to mess up your crop!! A timer is essential Top dress is all good. I just wanted to make sure it is not always wet. I’ve seen some peculiar stuff before when the main apical stem stays to wet and moist and for...
  17. Homie Da Clown

    First hydro what am I doing wrong

    Why does your rock look wet? Is this top feed dwc, as in a waterfarm setup?
  18. Homie Da Clown

    First hydro what am I doing wrong

    Looks good. The brown isn’t nothing. Don’t mess up the light schedule again.
  19. Homie Da Clown

    First hydro what am I doing wrong

    Put a little heater in there. I got one for night so that they don’t drop under -10 degrees from lights on temperature.
  20. Homie Da Clown

    Slap n tickle update gmoxgrape pie Cannarado

    All good. This stuff is really pretty easy to grow. It’s really about trying to get the most bang for your buck. Utilizing your space as efficiently as you can. Keep me updated. I try to check in from time to time.