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  1. Bushbaby11

    DWC root help

    Can't troll someone who doesn't give a fuck LOL
  2. Bushbaby11

    Brown roots

    Tbh it's hard to tell from pictures, you need to keep your res temps around 17 18c If the roots are slimey or smelly, breaking off easily then it's root rot, but it could just be nute staining the roots... I'd buy some silver bullet (hydrogen peroxide) get that in there and it should sort it
  3. Bushbaby11

    Need help with week 4 flower troubles.

    Is this RDWC?
  4. Bushbaby11

    DWC root help

    Can we get some pictures? Hard to see what you mean by bulging lol
  5. Bushbaby11

    Deficiency or something else?

    Did you say your ec was 1.6/1.8? If so then this is way too high, i run my feed time every 4 hours 45 minute segments with a 25 minute feed as im running 18 pots from a 200L flexitank. Just clocked this post was a good few months ago haha how did you get on??.
  6. Bushbaby11

    First Grow with Coco Coir

    Interesting to know, im new to coco, usually do dwc with great results! My cuttings have been in a week and are just settling in, i water a ring around the rhizo pot to make the roots go looking for it (bigger root mass) am i better off just soaking the whole pot? They're in 11L pots with about...
  7. Bushbaby11

    First Grow with Coco Coir

    Just buy some PH DOWN, saves you an hour drive all the time also buy some PH UP incase you put too much down in and go out of range
  8. Bushbaby11

    Quick question advice needed

    Thank you appreciate the reply
  9. Bushbaby11

    Quick question advice needed

    Just a quick question people Today i took my cuttings from my areoponic propergator and put them in 11L rhizo pots in coco the room was too hot due to the weather so I've put them in, watered them with some shogun katana roots and added some calmag then turned light off, my question is can i...
  10. Bushbaby11

    Leaving fresh cuttings??

    Just a quick question people Today i took my cuttings from my areoponic propergator and put them in 11L rhizo pots in coco the room was too hot due to the weather so I've put them in, watered them with some shogun katana roots and added some calmag then turned light off, my question is can i...
  11. Bushbaby11

    DWC question

    The bubbles come to the top of the water and pop spreading little moist particles around the tank/bucket with the moisture in the air the roots head towards it and start branching out the side of the net pots
  12. Bushbaby11


    It depends if your soil is pre fertilised or not, if there's no nutes etc already in there then id put your own in, that said it looks fine and not showing that it's hungry so might be enough in the soil for a few weeks
  13. Bushbaby11

    IS RDWC really better than soil? If so how?

    Majority of people agree with that, me included but i have had people say they prefer hydro grown
  14. Bushbaby11

    my babies :( new soil and then this happened.. what is it?

    Get em out of that shit medium and into something quality, also you have a cal/mag deficiency
  15. Bushbaby11


    Give us more info...
  16. Bushbaby11

    IS RDWC really better than soil? If so how?

    Hydro will piss all over soil everytime, regarding same set up, temps etc Hydroponics produces huge plants, you can do in soil too but hydro vs soil id go hydro all day long if you know what you're doing, enough oxygen, nutes and make sure you're ph is in check
  17. Bushbaby11

    Newbie first time grower

    I would say some kind of bug and possibly nute burn? If not nute burn (not sure cos you haven't told us anything about your nutes etc) then id go with a deficiency
  18. Bushbaby11


    Ok mate
  19. Bushbaby11

    How do you flower a mother?

    Put them in darkness
  20. Bushbaby11

    How do you flower a mother?

    No, they're still autoflower but for some mad reason you have to force them, i know the difference between photos and autos, must be a genetic trait or some shit they need to sort out, if you google it you'll see what i mean