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    Been out the way for a year or so. Best spider mite predators?

    spidex from KOPPERT has always worked best
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    Tacoed new growth purple stems

    a normal ppm of magnesium in a solution is around 50 ppm . so if magnesium sulphate Is 10% magnesium then that is 0.5 g/liter magnesium sulphate
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    Tacoed new growth purple stems

    n calmag dolomite lime ( calcium and magnesium carbonate) and initially ammonium carbonate ( cationic nitrogen NH4) . it was never meant as a feed it was meant to precondition coco and then never be used again but then the NH4 was replaced with NO3 anionic N usually from calcium nitrate and...
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    Tacoed new growth purple stems

    that still is a IMMOBILE mineral calcium and a MOBILE mineral magnesium. 2 separate elements and both start at opposite ends if the plant.
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    Tacoed new growth purple stems

    use magnesium sulphate not calmag. magnesium sulphate is 10% mag not 2% of calmag
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    Anyone know what’s going on here

    well its a mobile mineral issue
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    How to increase THC content

    psuedo science. the only thing that controls thc level is genetics. post harvest it is unlikely. can you post a reference?
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    Yellowing leafs

    what is EC runoff?.that looks like high ec in media causing lockup. burnt tips are a sure sign as well as random deficiency symptoms
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    BTK spray . Btk spray is non toxic and specifically for fungus gnats. 100% effective
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    Male or female

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    The whole plant is yellowing

    pics? what is runoff EC? do you check ? 80 % of deficiency I see is from high EC in media causing lockup
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    Anyone use "Complete Hydroponics" ?

    how much did you expect to spend? I make my own solutions . they are easy to make and inexpensive. about 1$ a liter for 100:1 concentrate . the downside is you need to buy 350$ worth of base compounds but that will make 350 liter 100:1 solution
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    Stabilizing genetics

    Highly recommend MARIJUANNA BOTONY by Robert Connell Clark . he explains Gregor Mendel law of hereditary traits very clearly. very necessary to understand proper breeding techniques
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    Tacoed new growth purple stems

    purple stems are normal. it is anthrocyanin the normal color of plants
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    Tacoed new growth purple stems

    there is no such thing as a calmag deficiency. calmag is 3 separate minerals. calcium which is immobile so it starts at the top and magnesium and nitrogen which are mobile so they start at the bottom
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    New to indoor and organic growing need some advice

    read as many books as you can get. actual literature not you tube . here is a free book download
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    "Runoff pH is useless" or "Keep an open mind"?

    I also make my own feed solutions from base compounds
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    "Runoff pH is useless" or "Keep an open mind"?

    well I test runoff fir EC. usually you run a 15% overflow to keep the EC within 50% of feed EC..usually for carbon based media feed is 1200 Us ( 1.2 EC ) with runoff up to 1800 Us ( 1.8 EC) . ph is usually not an issue in carbon based media . rockwool I run 1700 Us feed 2400 Us runoff .
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    Most Powdery Mildew resistant strains?

    I grew MK ULTRA from TH SEEDS bought in 2001 . It was completely PM proof. even on a table with kush white with pm the MK were slick green. green clone from clone fir 11 years until I lost the strain. i bought a newer version of MK but it was not even close to the same .
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    Nute & Reverse Osmosis questions For Hydro

    just add 10 % house water back to ro will provide sufficient buffer the standard is 50 ppm carbonate